guano /oss/taxonomy/term/988/all en Bat Poop Accused of Crimes! /oss/article/covid-19-history-general-science/bat-poop-accused-crimes <p>COVID has not been kind to bats. They have been accused of harbouring the SARS-CoV-2 virus and transferring it to people via an animal vector. But this is not the first time that these flying mammals have hit the headlines. Back in 1993, newspaper readers were stunned by this one: “Holy Blam, Batman! Bat Dung Brews Methane; Park Building Explodes!”</p> Fri, 09 Jul 2021 18:32:34 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 8781 at /oss Guano is Back /oss/article/environment-news/guano-back <p>The other day, at the garden center, I noticed a box of fertilizer announcing that it contained a "natural" fertilizer… guano. In fact, before synthetic fertilizers, such as ammonium nitrate - which unfortunately just made headlines with the accident in West Texas - all fertilizers were "natural." But none of them have a history as extensive as that of guano. It is difficult to imagine that what is basically bird droppings could be the root of so many conflicts, including wars.</p> Fri, 26 Apr 2013 17:10:34 +0000 Ariel Fenster PhD 1923 at /oss