carnitine /oss/taxonomy/term/939/all en Carnitine Controversy /oss/article/food/carnitine <p>The strikes against meat keep piling up. This time it's a study implicating carnitine, a compound found in meat and dairy products, as a factor in heart disease. High cholesterol, hypertension, overweight, family history and a sedentary lifestyle are known risk factors for heart disease but the disease can strike people who have none of these risk factors. According to recent research at the Cleveland Clinic, maybe carnitine plays a role in such cases. Bacteria in the gut convert carnitine to trimethylamine N-oxide which is known to cause damage to the coronary arteries.</p> Thu, 11 Apr 2013 19:14:43 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 1907 at /oss