policosanol /oss/taxonomy/term/749/all en Does Policosanol Reduce Cholesterol? /oss/article/health-you-asked/does-policosanol-reduce-cholesterol <p>When you think of sugar, you don’t think of lowering cholesterol. But Cuban researchers do. In fact they think that a byproduct of the sugar industry, policosanol, is an effective alternative to prescription drugs in reducing blood cholesterol levels. Cuba has a large sugar cane industry, but world competition to sell sugar is fierce. Any profitable byproducts of the sugar producing industry are therefore most welcome. Cuba also has a significant pharmaceutical industry which has targeted the abundant sugar cane crop as a possible source of therapeutically useful compounds.</p> Sun, 18 Nov 2012 01:05:07 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 1798 at /oss