consumption /oss/taxonomy/term/6989/all en Tuberculin Under Your Skin /oss/article/medical-student-contributors-history/tuberculin-under-your-skin <p>Throughout its lifetime, tuberculosis (or TB) has gone by <a href=",China%20(2%2C300%20years%20ago).">many names</a>. The ancient Greeks called it “phthisis”. In the 1700s, it was “the white plague”. And in the 1800s, it was “consumption” – perhaps because of how the rapid weight loss caused by TB seems to consume the patient. Tuberculosis is not just of historical interest; it is still with us today and is a <a href="">modern global crisis</a>.</p> Fri, 14 Jul 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Maya McKeown, B.Sc. 9567 at /oss