tears /oss/taxonomy/term/676/all en Is it true that rubbing olive oil on a knife will lead to “tearless chopping?” /oss/article/you-asked-general-science/it-true-rubbing-olive-oil-knife-will-lead-tearless-chopping <p>Not having carried out a proper scientific investigation in the kitchen, I can’s safe for sure, but I would doubt it makes a difference. Let’s delve into a little onion chemistry which will of necessity involve some chemical terminology that hopefully will not make you cry. Remember that you cannot make any judgements about a chemical based on the complexity of its name.</p> Fri, 10 Dec 2021 21:31:36 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 8947 at /oss Fishing for Evidence on Omega-3s and Dry Eyes /oss/article/health-nutrition/fishing-evidence-omega-3s-and-dry-eyes <p>Are omega-3s the new vitamin C? In the past few years, these fats, primarily found in fish and flaxseeds, have acquired a reputation as veritable superheroes. Have arthritis? Try omega-3s! Don’t want cancer? Try omega-3s! Your car won’t start in the winter? Have you tried omega-3s?</p> <p>Some websites will even direct people with dry eyes to start taking omega-3 supplements in order to help with symptoms. And while the evidence for that looked surprisingly good for a while, a recent trial casts doubt as to their usefulness in getting your eyes to stop burning.</p> Wed, 12 Feb 2020 20:06:39 +0000 Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. 8106 at /oss Why do onions make you cry when you cut them? And why are they sweet when you fry them? /oss/article/general-science-you-asked/why-do-onions-make-you-cry-when-you-cut-them-and-why-are-they-sweet-when-you-fry-them <p>Onion chemistry is extremely fascinating and extremely complex! We’ve been intrigued by this vegetable ever since our prehistoric ancestors gathered and cooked wild onions. By the time of the First Egyptian Dynasty 5000 years ago, onions were widely consumed for flavor and for their supposed medicinal properties. At various times they have been associated with the prevention of colds, loosening of phlegm, correction of indigestion, inducement of sleep, stimulation of appetite, disinfection of wounds and the elimination of parasites from the digestive tract.</p> Tue, 21 Feb 2017 04:21:47 +0000 Joe Schwarcz 1487 at /oss