suffocation /oss/taxonomy/term/5425/all en The Masked Kids Are Alright /oss/article/covid-19-health-and-nutrition/masked-kids-are-alright <p>It is easy to raise the spectre of science to scare people. Talk about a new vaccine technology messing with your DNA and you’ve conjured up instant anxiety. It is an especially potent technique when the target of the sciency boogeyman is a child. Children are frequently at the center of moral panics, from video games to heavy metal music, from alleged Satanic ritual abuse to reactionary views on gender expression.</p> Fri, 25 Feb 2022 18:56:31 +0000 Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. 9039 at /oss Can someone really suffocate from being covered with gold paint like Jill Masterson in Goldfinger? /oss/article/did-you-know/you-asked-can-someone-really-suffocate-being-covered-gold-paint-jill-masterson-goldfinger <p>No. We do not breathe through our skin. James Bond seemingly was unaware of this fact given that after discovering the golden corpse he tells M: “She died of skin suffocation, it’s been known to happen to cabaret dancers. It’s all right so long as you leave a small bare patch at the base of the spine to allow the skin to breathe.” That view was shared by the director who made sure that actress Shirley Eaton’s stomach remained unpainted while the scene was being shot.</p> Fri, 28 May 2021 19:56:57 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 8748 at /oss