newborn /oss/taxonomy/term/5166/all en Parents and sleep: The struggle is real... and long /oss/article/contributors-health-general-science/parents-and-sleep-struggle-real-and-long <p>There used to be a time when I not only fell asleep quickly, but I stayed asleep the whole night. I used to tell people “I excel at sleeping.”</p> <p>Then my daughter was born.</p> <p>From the first terrifying night in the hospital after giving birth – when I awoke each time she stirred, certain she was going to suffocate – to today, when I jolt awake at her 3-year-old midnight cries, sleep has been a struggle.</p> Wed, 10 Feb 2021 11:00:00 +0000 Gaia Remerowski, MS, Science Journalism 8612 at /oss