transplant /oss/taxonomy/term/5130/all en Kidneys: Crash-Course and Cash-Out /oss/article/medical-student-contributors/kidneys-crash-course-and-cash-out <p>I had the opportunity to watch a live donor kidney transplant – live! From the first incision in the donor to the last suture in the recipient, I was standing there, granted the privilege to observe after spending the summer as a kidney transplant research trainee at the University Health Network in Toronto. Throughout the day, I reflected on how so many others would be desperate to be in my position: in an operating room with a ready-to-transplant kidney.</p> Fri, 25 Aug 2023 16:00:52 +0000 Haleh Cohn 9608 at /oss Sometimes You Want Immunity Suppressed /oss/article/covid-19-health/sometimes-you-want-immunity-suppressed <p>“Boosting immunity” is a hot topic these days. That’s understandable since it is our immune system that protects us from invaders such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus. But boosting the immune system is a very nebulous concept because it is actually composed of a complex array of white blood cells, organs and messenger chemicals and cannot be revved up like a car engine. Poor diet, lack of exercise, stress , and lack of sleep can reduce immune activity, so remedying any of these can help “boost” the system.</p> Fri, 25 Jun 2021 16:54:58 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 8768 at /oss Be a Donor. /oss/article/health/be-donor <p>Have you ever clicked away from a tab asking you to chip in a few dollars, or told the cashier “not today” when they asked you to give money to a charity? It’s okay, I have too. There is a lot to consider when making a donation; whether it be time, money or material objects, it is normal to concern ourselves with our own needs before thinking about giving to others. This leaves me wondering — how do you decide what to give and when to give it?</p> Thu, 28 Jan 2021 20:52:52 +0000 Cat Wang 8579 at /oss