grease /oss/taxonomy/term/4019/all en How can I make the perfect French fry? /oss/article/nutrition-you-asked/how-can-i-make-perfect-french-fry <p>So, you’re tired of eating lousy french fries. You’re sick of those limp dark brown grease sponges. What can you do? Make them! Let’s for a moment forget nutrition and health. In this area, french fries have no redeeming value. We eat them because we like them, in spite of what they may be doing to the lining of our arteries. So let’s at least make it worthwhile. A perfect fry has to be cooked through and through, should be a golden brown on the outside, cannot be limp and must not be saturated with grease. This is no small task. Numerous factors come into play.</p> Fri, 29 Nov 2019 17:05:34 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 8012 at /oss Is Kosher soap unsafe because it contains lye? /oss/article/general-science-you-asked/kosher-soap-unsafe-because-it-contains-lye <hr /> <p><em>Shira Cohen is studying Nutrition at the School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition at ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ, specializing in Global Nutrition. </em></p> Thu, 22 Aug 2019 19:17:15 +0000 Shira Cohen, Student Contributor 7880 at /oss