babies /oss/taxonomy/term/3055/all en Parents and sleep: The struggle is real... and long /oss/article/contributors-health-general-science/parents-and-sleep-struggle-real-and-long <p>There used to be a time when I not only fell asleep quickly, but I stayed asleep the whole night. I used to tell people “I excel at sleeping.”</p> <p>Then my daughter was born.</p> <p>From the first terrifying night in the hospital after giving birth – when I awoke each time she stirred, certain she was going to suffocate – to today, when I jolt awake at her 3-year-old midnight cries, sleep has been a struggle.</p> Wed, 10 Feb 2021 11:00:00 +0000 Gaia Remerowski, MS, Science Journalism 8612 at /oss Is There a Cancer Risk With Talcum Powder? /oss/article/health/there-cancer-risk-talcum-powder <p> </p> <hr /> <p><em>​</em><em>This article was first published in</em><span> </span><a href="">The Montreal Gazette<span>.</span></a></p> Fri, 31 Jan 2020 18:56:31 +0000 Christopher Labos MD, MSc 8096 at /oss Should We Worry About Metals in Vaccines? /oss/article/health/should-we-worry-about-metals-vaccines <p> </p> <hr /> <p><em>​</em><em>This article was first published in</em><span> </span><a href="">The Montreal Gazette<span>.</span></a></p> <hr /> <p>Last time, we explored a specific concern voiced by a reader — namely, why we vaccinate babies for adult diseases like Hepatitis B. This week, we’ll look at another vaccine question. Why are there metals in vaccines?</p> Thu, 27 Jun 2019 16:00:00 +0000 Christopher Labos MD, MSc 7808 at /oss You Don’t Need to Burp Babies /oss/article/did-you-know/did-you-know-you-dont-need-burp-babies <p>It’s a commonplace occurrence: When a baby is done eating, their mom or dad places them over their shoulder and pats their back to get them to burp.</p> <p>It turns out that this familiar routine is probably useless.</p> <p>The theory behind the practice is that while nursing, babies inhale air that needs to be expelled after feeding. Patting their backs causes them to bring up that air, and well, burp.</p> Fri, 29 Mar 2019 14:53:27 +0000 Ada McVean B.Sc. 7673 at /oss The Woes of Parenting: Are They All Woe-Worthy? /oss/article/general-science/woes-parenting-are-they-all-woe-worthy <p>Thanks to social media and the Internet, we are flooded with opinions about what to do, and what not to do, from an array of physicians, psychologists, nutritionists, naturopaths, chiropractors and an assortment of “mommy bloggers.” The cacophony of information makes parenting more challenging than ever and that challenge starts even before a baby is born.</p> Thu, 22 Mar 2018 19:30:00 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 6969 at /oss Why are homeopathic teething “remedies” having adverse reactions in infants? /oss/article/you-asked/if-homeopathic-teething-remedies-are-essentially-nothing-how-do-they-have-adverse-effect-infants <p>The bizarre tenet of homeopathy is that a substance that causes symptoms in a health person can relieve those symptoms in a sick person as long as it is diluted to an extent that contains almost zero or a just a trace amount of the original substance. Homeopathic teething remedies are made by diluting a solution of belladonna in an extreme fashion.</p> Tue, 21 Feb 2017 04:13:23 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 1482 at /oss