epilepsy /oss/taxonomy/term/2769/all en Skeletons in the Closet /oss/article/medical-critical-thinking/skeletons-closet <p>Dr. David Franklin’s conscience was bothering him. At first, the job he had secured in 1996 with Parke-Davis, a division of the Warner-Lambert pharmaceutical company, seemed ideal. Armed with a PhD in microbiology and three years of research experience at the prestigious Dana Farber Cancer Institute, he felt ready to take on the challenge of acting as a “medical liaison” with physicians. He would not be a drug salesman, the company told him, but would answer physicians’ questions about medications so that they could practice the best medicine that science allowed.</p> Wed, 03 Jan 2024 22:24:04 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 9773 at /oss No, You Can’t Swallow Your Tongue /oss/article/medical-history/no-you-cant-swallow-your-tongue <p>Have you ever heard that you should <a href="/oss/article/medical-general-science/do-i-tilt-my-head-forwards-or-tilt-my-head-back">tilt your head backwards</a> during a nosebleed? Or that you should urinate on a jellyfish sting? Or that in case of a seizure you should put a spoon into the victim’s mouth? These common first-aid myths, though well-intentioned, can be more harmful than helpful. And they come up each time I teach a first-aid course!</p> Fri, 12 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Cat Wang, B.Sc. 9507 at /oss Déjà vu...Déjà vu...Déjà vu /oss/article/did-you-know/deja-vu <p>Déjà vu, or translated from French- ‘already seen’, is something we have all experienced. You walk up to the coffee shop counter, ready to order a latte, and are suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling that you have experienced this experience before. Déjà vu could perhaps be better described as déjà vécu, or ‘already lived through’. Déjà vu even has a counterpart- <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamais_vu">jamais vu</a>, or ‘never seen’, which is the experience of being unfamiliar with one's situation, though still recognizing parts of it.</p> Thu, 07 Sep 2017 14:40:51 +0000 Ada McVean B.Sc. 2621 at /oss