psychology /oss/taxonomy/term/2768/all en Would You Punish Someone with Electric Shocks If Told to Do So? /oss/article/critical-thinking-history/would-you-punish-someone-electric-shocks-if-told-do-so <p>The banality of evil.</p> <p>They were just following orders.</p> <p>People absolve themselves of any responsibility when there is someone in charge.</p> <p>These ideas have permeated our thinking, in part because of the defense many Nazi officers gave during the Nuremberg trials, and in part because of Stanley Milgram’s infamous experiments into obedience to authority. Even when the victim begged from the other room not to be shocked, so many of Milgram’s subjects kept increasing the voltage all the way to the “severe shock” setting because a man in a lab coat told them it was OK.</p> Fri, 31 Mar 2023 15:45:11 +0000 Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. 9459 at /oss Are You Left-Handed? Science Still Yearns to Know Why /oss/article/health-general-science/are-you-left-handed-science-still-yearns-know-why <p>Being left-handed can be devilishly hard. In 1937, an educational psychologist whose work was later discredited<a href=""> </a><a href="">wrote of many left-handers</a> that “they squint, they stammer, they shuffle and shamble, they flounder like seals out of water.” Beyond accusations of being gauche, left-handers have also had to deal with more sinister imputations.</p> Sat, 18 Sep 2021 08:00:00 +0000 Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. 8852 at /oss Escaping COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy /oss/article/covid-19-health/escaping-covid-19-vaccine-hesitancy <p>As I write this,<a href=""> 4.8 billion doses of a COVID-19 vaccine</a> have been administered globally. Even with my scientific background, I cannot easily wrap my head around this number, 4.8 billion. If you think of each syringe carrying a dose as a pencil, and you put these 4.8 billion pencils side by side like they are in a colouring box, you end up with a line that is almost twice the length of the Earth’s diameter.</p> Fri, 20 Aug 2021 19:55:34 +0000 Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. 8810 at /oss Can We Become More Resilient? /oss/article/covid-19-health/can-we-become-more-resilient <p>We’ve all been through a lot this past year. We have witnessed some of the largest social justice protests in history. Many have lost their jobs and even friends and family members to this global pandemic.</p> <p>As a mother, I can’t help thinking: How is my three-year-old daughter coping with all this? Will there be lasting effects from her staying at home for months at a time, without physically interacting with anyone other than her parents? Is there a way to stack the deck so she can bounce back or become more resilient after all this disruption and disappointment?</p> Fri, 02 Jul 2021 20:39:50 +0000 Gaia Remerowski, MS, Science Journalism 8773 at /oss Cracked Science 28: The Vaccine Hesitant /oss/article/health-videos/cracked-science-28-vaccine-hesitant <p><div class="media-youtube-video media-element file-default media-youtube-1"> <iframe class="media-youtube-player" id="media-youtube-e3s-710e-8" width="640" height="390" title="The Vaccine Hesitant (CS28)" src="" name="The Vaccine Hesitant (CS28)" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>Video of The Vaccine Hesitant (CS28)</iframe> </div> </p> Sat, 02 Mar 2019 18:25:12 +0000 Jonathan Jarry, MSc 7621 at /oss How Do Veterinarians Die? /oss/article/health/how-do-veterinarians-die <p><span>I wouldn’t blame you for thinking something along the lines of “just like everyone else,” but I’m here to tell you otherwise.</span></p> <p><span>Being a veterinarian is a lot like being a human doctor. Besides the fact that both professions practice medicine, albeit on different subjects, they both require top grades and many years of school. They usually necessitate one to go into debt, to work long hours, to have extreme empathy and to be on call for days at a time.</span></p> Mon, 06 Aug 2018 14:20:37 +0000 Ada McVean B.Sc. 7218 at /oss Sex and Nothing to Show for It /oss/article/general-science-history/sex-and-nothing-show-it <p>Could your partner ever convince you that you were cheating on them when you had no recollection of the on-going affair?</p> <p><span>A healthy human brain is capable of significant backflips and even some interesting delusions. In today’s political climate, these tricks of the brain have become more and more obvious, as strong beliefs can distort the information that reaches our mind.</span></p> <p>But an unhealthy brain can demonstrate some truly amazing feats.</p> Thu, 12 Oct 2017 14:03:16 +0000 Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. 4607 at /oss Déjà vu...Déjà vu...Déjà vu /oss/article/did-you-know/deja-vu <p>Déjà vu, or translated from French- ‘already seen’, is something we have all experienced. You walk up to the coffee shop counter, ready to order a latte, and are suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling that you have experienced this experience before. Déjà vu could perhaps be better described as déjà vécu, or ‘already lived through’. Déjà vu even has a counterpart- <a href="">jamais vu</a>, or ‘never seen’, which is the experience of being unfamiliar with one's situation, though still recognizing parts of it.</p> Thu, 07 Sep 2017 14:40:51 +0000 Ada McVean B.Sc. 2621 at /oss