wifi /oss/taxonomy/term/2552/all en A Close Look at Cell Phone Towers /oss/article/health-technology/close-look-cell-phone-towers <p>The large increase in lung cancer following World War II, was quickly recognized as a public health problem. The surge in smoking following WWI & II, when soldiers were given free cigarettes, caused a clear mini-epidemic. The science was clear from the beginning, and science is clear about the lack of danger from EMF. Similarly, the dangers of pesticides and asbestos were discovered and dealt with. Using these same public health tools there has been no meaningful evidence that cell phone radiation is harmful.</p> Wed, 13 Nov 2019 11:00:00 +0000 Richard Margolese MD 7995 at /oss Cell Phones and Wifi are Perfectly Safe /oss/article/general-science-health-and-nutrition-you-asked/cell-phones-and-wifi-are-perfectly-safe <p>The idea that cell phones, routers, wireless heart rate monitors, alarm clocks or pretty much any other electronic device will give you cancer is one of the most persistent fears around. The good news is, it’s also one of the most baseless.</p> Sun, 18 Jun 2017 14:12:32 +0000 Ada McVean B.Sc. 2551 at /oss