breast milk /oss/taxonomy/term/2430/all en What to Expect from a COVID-19 Vaccine When You’re Expecting or Breastfeeding /oss/article/covid-19-health/what-expect-covid-19-vaccine-when-youre-expecting-or-breastfeeding <p>What should public health bodies do in the absence of data? And, even more importantly, what should the people left to make an important health decision do when no data is available?</p> <p>I have seen a lot of anxiety over the question of whether or not people who are pregnant or breastfeeding should get the COVID-19 vaccine. These very same people were prevented from participating in the large clinical trials in which these vaccines were put to the test. Therefore, we don’t have trial data on these groups of people, but they must now make a decision based on seemingly no data at all.</p> Fri, 28 May 2021 20:21:06 +0000 Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. 8750 at /oss Should We Worry About Metals in Vaccines? /oss/article/health/should-we-worry-about-metals-vaccines <p> </p> <hr /> <p><em>​</em><em>This article was first published in</em><span> </span><a href="">The Montreal Gazette<span>.</span></a></p> <hr /> <p>Last time, we explored a specific concern voiced by a reader — namely, why we vaccinate babies for adult diseases like Hepatitis B. This week, we’ll look at another vaccine question. Why are there metals in vaccines?</p> Thu, 27 Jun 2019 16:00:00 +0000 Christopher Labos MD, MSc 7808 at /oss A Novel Ice Cream /oss/article/did-you-know/novel-ice-cream <p>An ice cream parlor recently developed a new ice cream flavor: vanilla lemon “Baby Gaga”, made from real human breast milk. Though breast milk has been known for its nutritious content and benefits to newborns, human breast milk ice cream isn’t any more beneficial than ice cream made from normal milk. Once human breast milk has been pasteurized and turned into ice cream, all the original nutritious components are likely to be destroyed.</p> Tue, 23 May 2017 17:49:15 +0000 2483 at /oss