proposition 65 /oss/taxonomy/term/2317/all en Of Toxic Earphones, Washing Machines, Sex Toys and Wolves at the Door /oss/article/health-and-nutrition/toxic-earphones-washing-machines-sex-toys-and-wolves-door <p>Over the years I have answered, or at least tried to have answered, a staggering variety of questions. “Is it true that KFC is made from mutant laboratory chickens and not real chickens?” No. “Can you get cancer by riding your bike on a street where there are power lines?” No evidence for that. “Instead of buying a water alkalizer for $3000, can I make alkaline water using baking soda?” Yes, but it is irrelevant because the claims made for alkaline water hold no water. How do you open a cremation urn with a stuck lid? With great difficulty.</p> Wed, 03 May 2023 18:38:31 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 9500 at /oss Why is COVID-19 prompting questions about Proposition 65? /oss/article/covid-19-health/why-covid-19-prompting-questions-about-proposition-65 <p>The tentacles of COVID-19 reach into every area of life. I’ve been getting a flurry of calls about vacuum cleaners, air filters, and cordless hair clippers. Sales of these items have increased because of concerns about the coronavirus with people wanting to reduce any possible transmission by dust or air. People have even resorted to cutting hair at home instead of venturing to the hairdresser. But the calls I have been getting about these items have nothing to do with the virus. Not the coronavirus anyway.</p> Wed, 19 Aug 2020 15:56:47 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 8366 at /oss Why does California want to put a cancer warning on coffee? /oss/article/you-asked/why-does-california-want-put-cancer-warning-coffee <p>I’ve commented many times on what I think is a ludicrous piece of legislation in California known as Proposition 65. This requires that the public be informed by signs, as is the case on entering Disneyland, or on product labels, about any possible exposure to a chemical “that is known to the State of California to cause reproductive harm or cancer.” And there are over 900 of these that are accused of being an affront to health! So what’s wrong with Prop 65 warning against dangerous substances? Sounds like motherhood and apple pie.</p> Thu, 05 Apr 2018 19:30:00 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 6991 at /oss Should I Be Worried About My Earphones? /oss/article/general-science-you-asked/california-knows-better-really <p>Such warnings have become ubiquitous as a result of California’s Proposition 65, a well-intentioned law that has gone haywire and has caused undue anxiety among consumers. The intent was to protect people from exposure to potentially toxic substances, a noble effort. Any substance that can cause cancer or reproductive problems under some condition is a candidate for being subject to regulation under Proposition 65. The problem is that the law is based on hazard, not risk.</p> Tue, 09 May 2017 14:58:06 +0000 Joe Schwarcz 2424 at /oss