trauma /oss/taxonomy/term/2145/all en In Defence of the Maligned Root Canal /oss/article/health-and-nutrition/defence-maligned-root-canal <p>Over the course of my thirty-five-plus years of practicing dentistry, I have been asked many questions concerning the safety of various dental agents and materials, most notably silver fillings and fluoride. Undoubtedly, the internet has provided the masses with a plethora of sound information at their fingertips. Conversely, accompanied by its social media counterpart, it has become the primary gateway to the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories.</p> Fri, 04 Feb 2022 20:48:44 +0000 Mark Grossman BSc, DDS, Contributor 9016 at /oss Can We Become More Resilient? /oss/article/covid-19-health/can-we-become-more-resilient <p>We’ve all been through a lot this past year. We have witnessed some of the largest social justice protests in history. Many have lost their jobs and even friends and family members to this global pandemic.</p> <p>As a mother, I can’t help thinking: How is my three-year-old daughter coping with all this? Will there be lasting effects from her staying at home for months at a time, without physically interacting with anyone other than her parents? Is there a way to stack the deck so she can bounce back or become more resilient after all this disruption and disappointment?</p> Fri, 02 Jul 2021 20:39:50 +0000 Gaia Remerowski, MS, Science Journalism 8773 at /oss To Know or Not to Know: That is the NFL's Question /oss/article/controversial-science-health-news/know-or-not-know <p>In the past we heard in the news about a shocking admission from the execs at the National Football League in the USA that they may finally admit to believing that there is a link between football-related head trauma and chronic traumatic encephalopathy or CTE, a degenerative brain disease that is well known to be caused by repeated trauma to the head, such as from concussions.</p> Sat, 02 Apr 2016 14:04:45 +0000 Adam Oliver Brown PhD 2330 at /oss