saliva /oss/taxonomy/term/2057/all en Testing Drivers for THC Is a Lot Harder Than Testing Them for Alcohol /oss/article/health/testing-drivers-thc-lot-hard-testing-them-alcohol <p>To test drivers for alcohol consumption, we have the <a href="/oss/article/did-you-know/did-you-know-breathalyzers-dont-directly-measure-your-blood-alcohol-concentration">breathalyzer</a>. It’s <a href="/oss/article/did-you-know-history/breathalyzer-there-was-drunkometer">fast, reliable, portable and inexpensive</a>, but it will not work for cannabis.</p> Thu, 18 Oct 2018 18:13:22 +0000 Ada McVean B.Sc. 7399 at /oss Homeopathic Dilutions Amount to Concentrated Nonsense /oss/article/quackery/homeopathic-dilutions-amount-concentrated-nonsense <p><span>The story about how Anke Zimmerman, a naturopath in Victoria B.C. treated a young boy’s behavioural problems with a homeopathic remedy concocted from the saliva of a rabid dog has “gone viral.” A deluge of comments have expressed outrage about this nonsensical treatment, mostly focusing on the crazy use of the saliva of a rabid dog. There should be outrage for sure, but it should be redirected.</span></p> Fri, 20 Apr 2018 03:19:56 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 7027 at /oss Why do we kiss? /oss/article/general-science-you-asked/why-do-we-kiss <p>What makes us exchange saliva, sebum, bits of food and millions of bacteria with each other? In other words, why do we kiss? This is not an innate activity. South Pacific islanders, for example, were great lovers before the Europeans arrived but never kissed. Even in Europe kissing was sometimes frowned upon. In the Middle Ages the Catholic Church decreed that kissing with the intent to fornicate was a mortal sin! But actually a kiss may be a scientific prelude to such activity. Studies have shown that women subconsciously prefer the smell of men who have different immune system proteins th</p> Thu, 23 Feb 2017 03:21:40 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 1524 at /oss