bracelet /oss/taxonomy/term/2045/all en A Tale of Two Bracelets /oss/article/controversial-science-health-news-quirky-science-technology/tale-two-bracelets <p>This is a tale of two bracelets. One brandishes flagrant nonsense, the other flirts with some clever science. We begin with a perplexing question I was asked while wandering through a mall in Phoenix. “How would you like to experience the benefits of nature captured in holographic frequencies?” Sniffing that some delicious twaddle was coming my way, I answered that I was keen to resonate with nature.</p> Mon, 03 Aug 2015 11:11:18 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 2277 at /oss Can Copper Bracelets Help with Arthritis? /oss/article/health-you-asked/can-copper-bracelets-help-arthritis <p>Diseases, such as arthritis, which have no known cure often drive sufferers to what orthodox science might call "questionable treatments." The wearing of copper bracelets to ease the symptoms of arthritis is a case in point. This practice does indeed sound nonsensical; after all, how could wearing a bracelet affect the inner workings of the body? Well, perhaps if some of the copper dissolved in sweat and was absorbed into the body, one could make a case, albeit probably a feeble one. But does copper dissolve in this fashion?</p> Sun, 18 Nov 2012 00:52:21 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 1796 at /oss