herbal products /oss/taxonomy/term/2033/all en Does taking a supplement of maca root have any merit? /oss/article/you-asked/does-taking-supplement-maca-root-have-any-merit <p>A good story can sell a product especially when it comes to dietary supplements. Talk about some legendary use by natives, throw in terms like increased stamina, improved mood, natural and aphrodisiac, and you are off and running to the marketplace. Maca root powder, here we come! Maca is grown mostly in Peru and its cooked root, with a composition much like wheat or rice, has a long history as a dietary staple. But it is stories about the enhanced virility of Inca warriors who supposedly downed maca root before going into battle that captured the imaginnation of supplement manufacturers.</p> Sun, 05 Jul 2015 00:20:09 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD 2273 at /oss