biodegradation /oss/taxonomy/term/1595/all en Should we worry about plastic pollution? /oss/article/controversial-science-cosmetics-environment-health-toxicity-you-asked/you-asked-should-we-worry-about-plastic-pollution <p>Plastics are the fabric of modern life. They’re in our cars, our planes, our kitchens, our electronics, our furniture, our bottles, our packaging, our floors and our medical equipment. We are using more and more plastics and unfortunately also discarding more and more. And that’s a problem. Plastic debris is commonly sighted on the landscape and is accumulating in marine habitats. A recent study revealed that plastics make up 50-80% of shoreline debris and accumulate in certain areas of the oceans. There is already a huge plastic wastedump in the middle of the Pacific Ocean!</p> Thu, 17 Apr 2014 13:54:14 +0000 Joe Schwarcz PhD & Alexandra Pires-Ménard, OSS Intern 2128 at /oss