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Pseudoscience's Constant Appeal in the Shadow of Beautiful Science

10 Mar 2023

Fifty years ago, polymath Jacob Bronowski, creator of the TV series The Ascent of Man, and author of the book by the same title wrote:

Dr. Oz鈥檚 Sad Trip Down the Rabbit Hole

18 Feb 2022

It seems that Dr. Mehmet Oz鈥檚 transformation from respected surgeon to deplorable pseudoscience advocate is complete. He recently slandered Dr. Fauci as a 鈥減etty tyrant鈥 and then called him ...

Djokovic Endorsed Who? Why?

27 Jan 2022

I started losing respect for Novak Djokovic when I read about how he had concluded that he should adopt a gluten-free diet, long before the fiasco in Australia. Dr. Igor Cetojovic, a fellow Serb,...

Shedding Light on Illusionary Connections

7 Jan 2022

We may have left 2021 behind, but unfortunately, the misinformation that characterized the past year continues unabated. Betty White, comedienne extraordinaire, passed away on December 31, just...

Is there any point in drinking oxygenated water?

23 Dec 2021

Oxygen is critical for life and that also makes is susceptible to chicanery. If oxygen is so essential that the brain is permanently injured after just four minutes of deprivation, then surely more...

Science vs. Joe Rogan

20 Nov 2021

鈥淟ot of times, we鈥檙e drinking or we鈥檙e high, you know, and I say stupid shit.鈥 Coming from a teenager, this statement may invoke memories of your own adolescence. But carried by the voice of then...


24 Sep 2021

Back in the 18th聽century, a theatrical line that was delivered to shamelessly elicit or 鈥渢rap鈥 applause from the audience was referred to as 鈥渃laptrap.鈥澛 The line usually didn鈥檛 have much meaning...

Reflexology Research Doesn鈥檛 Put Its Best Foot Forward

7 May 2021

Imagine you have appendicitis. You are rushed to the hospital where a surgeon needs to operate on you to remove your appendix which is full of bacteria and ready to burst. Only, instead of a...

The Goop Lab Experiments With Viewers鈥 Credulity

24 Jan 2020

There is a lot of schadenfreude at the sight of Gwyneth Paltrow, high priestess of aspirational brand Goop, sadly eating a reconstituted soup that looks like it was partly digested and regurgitated...


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