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What is In Vitro Meat?

26 Jul 2017

A dinner-time conversation with an outspoken vegan or an evening browsing through Netflix documentaries will tell you that we have a huge meat problem.聽Livestock production imposes a serious burden...

What does it mean for chicken meat to be "white" or "dark"?

31 May 2017

Why is chicken breast white and dark meat dark? 聽It all has to do with different kinds of muscle. 聽Dark meat is a result of the predominant presence of slow oxidative muscle fibres used for...

Mixing meat and milk

10 May 2017

The Old Testament offers up some dietary advice about not mixing milk and meat. Milk provides a hospitable environment for bacteria on meat to multiply, so this does make sense. Religious...

What are the risks of eating steak tartare?

20 Mar 2017

Terrible story about seven people sickened, one very seriously, from eating steak tartare at a Montreal restaurant. Eating raw meat is a risky business, but poisoning from steak tartare is rare...

Hazard and risk: Carcinogens in Processed Meat

20 Mar 2017

If you watched the news, read newspapers or surfed the web recently you will have been inundated with pictures of bacon and headlines describing it as carcinogenic. That鈥檚 because the International...

Is celery juice a viable alternative to nitrites in cured meats?

20 Mar 2017

Nitrates and nitrites are used to "cure" meat.聽聽Their role was likely discovered by accident and can be traced to the use of salt that happened to be contaminated with potassium or sodium nitrate,...

Carnitine Controversy

20 Mar 2017

The strikes against meat keep piling up. This time it's a study implicating carnitine, a compound found in meat and dairy products, as a factor in heart disease. High cholesterol, hypertension,...

What is "meat glue"?

20 Mar 2017

So what exactly is this 鈥渕eat glue?鈥 Rest assured that no horses were condemned to the glue factory to produce it. What we鈥檙e talking about is an enzyme called transglutaminase that allows a...

The Environmental Cost of Meat

20 Mar 2017

We know what we should be doing if we want to be environmentally conscious. Recycle, compost, use public transport more, insulate better, shop with reusable bags. But here is something that is...


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