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Will Graphology Become Extinct?

19 Jul 2024

Can a pseudoscience ever truly disappear? Over the course of human history, we have made many attempts at explaining the world around us, and while some of these guesses were eventually confirmed...

So, You Want To Grow Hair?

29 May 2024

If you want to make a lot of money, all you have to do is come up with an effective treatment for androgenic alopecia. That鈥檚 male pattern baldness. Actually, even a minimally effective product...

The Dim Science of Neuroglow

21 May 2024

The cosmetics industry sells hope by mixing a little chemistry with a hefty dose of hype. Novelty, whether in 鈥渁ctives,鈥 or in packaging, or just fresh flim-flam is what opens wallets. Since...

Crank Magnetism at the Weston A. Price Foundation

12 Apr 2024

In June 2007, Mark Hoofnagle and Chris Hoofnagle published an article on ScienceBlogs entitled 鈥淐rank Magnetism.鈥 As far as I can tell, this is the first appearance of this phrase online.

Donor鈥檚 Organ, Donor鈥檚 Personality? Let鈥檚 Approach This Sensibly

1 Mar 2024

It鈥檚 a story that would make the publishers of the Kama Sutra blush with envy. A 25-year-old graduate student鈥檚 sex drive suddenly surged and his technique apparently improved overnight. 鈥淚 make...

Naprapathy Stretches Credulity

2 Feb 2024

Buried in a court document mentioning Joe Mercola was the first reference to naprapathy I had ever seen. Joe Mercola has made a fortune selling dietary supplements and publishing health...

Homeopathy is scientifically implausible

12 Jan 2024

This article was first published in the Montreal Gazette.


1 Dec 2023

Our brain controls the production of certain hormones and neurotransmitters such as melatonin, serotonin and dopamine. Simplistically, one can say that 鈥渞est and repair鈥 hormones are activated by a...


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