Let's Talk Science /osas/taxonomy/term/351/all en Eclipse events abound at 平特五不中 /osas/channels/news/eclipse-events-abound-mcgill-356256 <p>平特五不中 will be hosting three solar eclipse events on April 8, one downtown, one at Macdonald campus, and another at the Gault Nature Reserve.</p> <p>At approximately 3:20 p.m. on April 8, the sky above Montreal will go dark during a total eclipse of the sun. A rare celestial occurrence, the next total solar eclipse won鈥檛 happen in Montreal until the next century. 鈥淎 total eclipse of the sun is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,鈥 says Carolina Cruz-Vinaccia, Outreach Program Administrator at 平特五不中鈥檚 Trottier Space Institute (TSI). 鈥淵ou really don鈥檛 want to miss it.鈥</p> Thu, 21 Mar 2024 16:46:12 +0000 admin 2728 at /osas Let's Talk Plants with Let's Talk Science (in English) /osas/channels/event/lets-talk-plants-lets-talk-science-english-332234 <p>Summer 2021: Let's Talk Plants</p> Wed, 04 Aug 2021 15:37:10 +0000 ingrid.chiraz@mcgill.ca 1259 at /osas Parlons de plantes with Let's Talk Science (in French) /osas/channels/event/parlons-de-plantes-lets-talk-science-french-332235 <p>Summer 2021: Parlons de plantes</p> Wed, 04 Aug 2021 15:42:26 +0000 ingrid.chiraz@mcgill.ca 1261 at /osas