Faculty /nrs/taxonomy/term/3/all en 101 平特五不中 research projects awarded $23.5 million in NSERC Discovery Grants funding /nrs/channels/news/101-mcgill-research-projects-awarded-235-million-nserc-discovery-grants-funding-358031 <p><strong><em>Funding supports groundbreaking research in the natural sciences and engineering</em></strong></p> <p>The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has awarded 101 平特五不中 research projects funding from its Discovery Grants competition for a total investment of $23.5 million.</p> <p>The Discovery Grants support ongoing programs with long-term goals, recognizing the creativity and innovation that are at the heart of all research advances.</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 16:07:59 +0000 admin 293544 at /nrs RRUM: S茅ance g茅n茅rale (en ligne) /nrs/channels/event/rrum-seance-generale-en-ligne-358054 <p>Pour les membres de la Partie B du R茅gime de retraite de l'Universit茅 平特五不中 (cotisations d茅termin茅es - adh茅sion le 1er janvier 2009 ou apr猫s) ainsi pour les nouveaux employ茅(e)s qui sont 茅ligibles au RRUM</p> <p>Nous couvrivons :</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 16:21:29 +0000 admin 293546 at /nrs RRUM: S茅ance sur le d茅caissement (en ligne) /nrs/channels/event/rrum-seance-sur-le-decaissement-en-ligne-358051 <p>Pour les membres du R茅gime de retraite de l'Universit茅 平特五不中 qui approchent la retraite. Nous recommandons fortement que vous assistez 脿 la S茅ance retraite et/ou la S茅ance sur les options de r猫glement avant d'assistez 脿 cette s茅ance.</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 16:06:35 +0000 admin 293545 at /nrs MUPP: Decumulation Information Session (online) /nrs/channels/event/mupp-decumulation-information-session-online-358046 <p>Intended for members of the 平特五不中 Pension Plan who are approaching retirement and the payout phase of their careers.</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:49:12 +0000 admin 293543 at /nrs MUPP - Part A (hybrid) Information Session (online) /nrs/channels/event/mupp-part-hybrid-information-session-online-358041 <p>Intended for members of Part A (hybrid segment) of the 平特五不中 Pension Plan (joined prior to January 1, 2009).</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:39:48 +0000 admin 293542 at /nrs S茅ance sur la retraite (en ligne) /nrs/channels/event/seance-sur-la-retraite-en-ligne-358047 <p>Pour les membres du R茅gime de retraite de l'Universit茅 平特五不中 ainsi que les membres du R茅gime de retraite de l'Universit茅 平特五不中 pour les membres de l'Union des employ茅(茅)s de service, et int茅ressera au premier chef les personnes en approche de la</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:52:13 +0000 admin 293538 at /nrs MUPP: Settlement Options Information Session /nrs/channels/event/mupp-settlement-options-information-session-358042 <p>Intended for members of the 平特五不中 Pension Plan who need additional information on the settlement options available to them at retirement or termination of employment.</p> <p>Topics will include:</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:42:22 +0000 admin 293532 at /nrs RRUM: S茅ance sur la Partie A (r茅gime hybride) - en ligne /nrs/channels/event/rrum-seance-sur-la-partie-regime-hybride-en-ligne-358048 <p>Pour les membres de la Partie A (r茅gime hybride) du R茅gime de retraite de l'Universit茅 平特五不中 (adh茅sion avant le 1er janvier 2009).</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:54:17 +0000 admin 293539 at /nrs MUPP: Settlement Options Information Session (online) /nrs/channels/event/mupp-settlement-options-information-session-online-358043 <p>Intended for members of the 平特五不中 Pension Plan who need additional information on the settlement options available to them at retirement or termination of employment.</p> <p>Topics will include:</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:43:35 +0000 admin 293535 at /nrs MUPP: General Information Session (online) /nrs/channels/event/mupp-general-information-session-online-358038 <p>Intended for Part B members (defined contribution - joined on or after January 1, 2009) of the 平特五不中 Pension Plan and newly hired employees contemplating joining the Plan.</p> <p>Topics will include:</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:34:38 +0000 admin 293536 at /nrs RRUM - S茅ance sur les options de r猫glement (en ligne) /nrs/channels/event/rrum-seance-sur-les-options-de-reglement-en-ligne-358049 <p>Pour les membres du R茅gime de retraite de l'Universit茅 平特五不中 qui veulent plus d'informations sur les options de r猫glement disponibles 脿 la cessation d'emploi ainsi qu'脿 la retraite.</p> <p>Ce que nous couvrirons :</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:55:38 +0000 admin 293540 at /nrs MUPP: Settlement Options Information Session (online) /nrs/channels/event/mupp-settlement-options-information-session-online-358044 <p>Intended for members of the 平特五不中 Pension Plan who need additional information on the settlement options available to them at retirement or termination of employment.</p> <p>Topics will include:</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:44:41 +0000 admin 293541 at /nrs MUPP - Part A (hybrid) Information Session (online) /nrs/channels/event/mupp-part-hybrid-information-session-online-358039 <p>Intended for members of Part A (hybrid segment) of the 平特五不中 Pension Plan (joined prior to January 1, 2009).</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:36:34 +0000 admin 293533 at /nrs MUPP: Decumulation Information Session (online) /nrs/channels/event/mupp-decumulation-information-session-online-358045 <p>Intended for members of the 平特五不中 Pension Plan who are approaching retirement and the payout phase of their careers.</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:47:22 +0000 admin 293534 at /nrs MUPP - Part A (hybrid) Information Session (online) /nrs/channels/event/mupp-part-hybrid-information-session-online-358040 <p>Intended for members of Part A (hybrid segment) of the 平特五不中 Pension Plan (joined prior to January 1, 2009).</p> Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:37:57 +0000 admin 293537 at /nrs