Pierre Poilievre /newsroom/taxonomy/term/17697/all en Expert: Pierre Poilievre’s first Conservation Convention as party leader /newsroom/channels/news/expert-pierre-poilievres-first-conservation-convention-party-leader-350543 <p>Federal Conservatives are gathering in Quebec City this week for a policy convention that observers say presents as much political peril as opportunity. The convention, which starts Thursday in a province where the Tories have often sought to make gains, comes as polls indicate the party has been gaining support, with leader Pierre Poilievre regularly attacking the government on affordability issues. (<a href="https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-conservative-party-convention-quebec-city/">The Globe and Mail</a>)</p> Wed, 06 Sep 2023 19:31:36 +0000 frederique.mazerolle@mcgill.ca 307329 at /newsroom