immune system /newsroom/taxonomy/term/1761/all en Microplastics are harming gut health /newsroom/channels/news/microplastics-are-harming-gut-health-348329 <p>Scientists have been worried about the potential harms of microplastics for years. These small plastic particles less than 5 mm in length have been found everywhere because of plastic pollution – from the Earth’s deep oceans to remote regions in Antarctica, and even the seafood we eat. But, are microplastics really harmful?</p> Mon, 15 May 2023 16:15:24 +0000 300195 at /newsroom Study sheds light on how the immune system protects the body /newsroom/channels/news/study-sheds-light-how-immune-system-protects-body-348205 <p>First <a href="">study</a> of humans with a rare immunodeficiency reveals how the immune system protects the body against pathogens known to cause serious diseases, such as tuberculosis and COVID-19. The research involving ƽ岻, paves the way for new therapies to treat autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases, and new approaches to vaccine development.</p> Fri, 05 May 2023 18:41:23 +0000 299312 at /newsroom CTV NEWS | Loneliness can directly impair immune system, increase risk of death: study /newsroom/channels/news/ctv-news-loneliness-can-directly-impair-immune-system-increase-risk-death-study-322840 <p>The findings, published in the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences earlier in June, show how social isolation can negatively affect the health of the brain as well as the immune system.“Social isolation, or a lack of social opportunity, gives rise to a sense of loneliness. Directly or indirectly, this feeling has many wide-ranging consequences for our psychological well-being as well as our physical health, even our longevity,” the study states.</p> Wed, 17 Jun 2020 22:42:46 +0000 217106 at /newsroom Rewriting our understanding of gastric tumours /newsroom/channels/news/rewriting-our-understanding-gastric-tumours-288173 <p><span>The immune system can be an important ally in the fight against cancer. A study from ƽ岻 scientists published today in </span><em>Science</em><span> suggests that the reverse may also be true – that abnormal inflammation triggered by the immune system may underlie the development of stomach tumours in patients with a hereditary cancer syndrome known as Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome (PJS). The findings are likely to prompt a re-thinking of how gastric tumours form in patients with this syndrome and in others with gastrointestinal cancers.</span></p> Wed, 25 Jul 2018 11:00:49 +0000 62581 at /newsroom How viruses disarm the immune system /newsroom/channels/news/how-viruses-disarm-immune-system-284462 <p>How do viruses that cause chronic infections, such as HIV or hepatitis C virus, manage to outsmart their hosts’ immune systems?</p> <p>The answer to that question has long eluded scientists, but <a href="">new research from ƽ岻</a> has uncovered a molecular mechanism that may be a key piece of the puzzle. The discovery could provide new targets for treating a wide range of diseases.</p> Mon, 05 Feb 2018 15:53:43 +0000 32932 at /newsroom The impact of night work on our immune system /newsroom/channels/news/impact-night-work-our-immune-system-261292 <p><a href="/newsroom"><strong><em>ƽ岻 Newsroom</em></strong></a></p> <p><em>Study reveals the impact of night work</em></p> <p>You cross paths with him at the break of dawn in the corridors of the Metro. He looks bleary-eyed and pallid. This worker’s night shift just ended. His body clocks are out of sync with one another, and, imperceptibly, they’re also out of sync with his environment. In the long run, this night owl could be at greater risk of developing cardiovascular, autoimmune diseases or certain types of cancer.</p> Tue, 14 Jun 2016 14:22:50 +0000 25958 at /newsroom Chronic pain changes our immune systems /newsroom/channels/news/chronic-pain-changes-our-immune-systems-258156 <p><em><strong>By Cynthia Lee</strong></em><br /> <strong><a href="/newsroom">Newsroom</a></strong></p> <p>Chronic pain may reprogram the way genes work in the immune system, according to a new study by ƽ岻 researchers published in the journal <em>Scientific Reports</em>.  </p> Wed, 27 Jan 2016 16:04:50 +0000 25165 at /newsroom Québec Science honours three ƽ岻 discoveries /newsroom/channels/news/quebec-science-honours-three-mcgill-discoveries-257540 <p><em>By Chris Chipello</em></p> <p><img src="/newsroom/files/newsroom/quebecscience_2.jpg" style="width:690px; height:226px" /></p> Wed, 23 Dec 2015 18:43:28 +0000 25052 at /newsroom No more ‘sugar-coating’ on invasive fungus /newsroom/channels/news/no-more-sugar-coating-invasive-fungus-256594 <p>There are believed to be around 1.5 million different species of fungus on Earth, but one mold, known as <em>Aspergillus fumigatus</em>, causes the majority of cases of invasive aspergillosis – a devastating illness that kills 90 per cent of patients with weakened immune systems or lung diseases. Thu, 05 Nov 2015 20:51:24 +0000 24599 at /newsroom Innate immunity may help limit cancer growth /newsroom/channels/news/innate-immunity-may-help-limit-cancer-growth-255332 <p> Wed, 16 Sep 2015 16:57:55 +0000 24473 at /newsroom HIV uses the immune system’s own tools to suppress it /newsroom/channels/news/hiv-uses-immune-systems-own-tools-suppress-it-253966 <p>A Canadian research team at the IRCM in Montréal, led by molecular virologist Éric A. Cohen, PhD, made a significant discovery on how HIV escapes the body’s antiviral responses. The team uncovered how an HIV viral protein known as Vpu tricks the immune system by using its own regulatory process to evade the host’s first line of defence. This breakthrough was published yesterday in the scientific journal PLoS Pathogens and will be presented at the upcoming IAS 2015 conference in Vancouver. The findings pave the way for future HIV prevention or cure strategies. Wed, 15 Jul 2015 20:19:43 +0000 24327 at /newsroom Educating the immune system to prevent allergies /newsroom/channels/news/educating-immune-system-prevent-allergies-251260 <p><span>With the arrival of spring, millions of Canadians have begun their annual ritual of sneezing and wheezing due to seasonal allergies. </span><span>A research team at the Montreal Children’s Hospital from the Research Institute of the ƽ岻 Health Centre (RI-MUHC) is bringing them hope with a potential vaccine that nudges the immune response away from developing allergies.</span></p> Thu, 14 May 2015 15:07:50 +0000 22546 at /newsroom How our immune system kills abnormal blood cells /newsroom/channels/news/how-our-immune-system-kills-abnormal-blood-cells-235147 Tue, 08 Apr 2014 16:58:02 +0000 20579 at /newsroom