galaxy /newsroom/taxonomy/term/1458/all en Astronomers capture radio signal from distant galaxy /newsroom/channels/news/astronomers-capture-radio-signal-distant-galaxy-344925 <p>How do stars form in distant galaxies? Astronomers have long been trying to answer this question by detecting radio signals emitted by nearby galaxies. However, these signals become weaker the further away a galaxy is from Earth, making it difficult for current radio telescopes to pick up.</p> Fri, 13 Jan 2023 21:13:54 +0000 288629 at /newsroom Homing in on source of mysterious cosmic radio bursts /newsroom/channels/news/homing-source-mysterious-cosmic-radio-bursts-264901 <p>Astronomers have pinpointed for the first time the home galaxy of a Fast Radio Burst, moving scientists a step closer to detecting what causes these powerful but fleeting pulses of radio waves. FRBs, which last just a few thousandths of a second, have puzzled astrophysicists since their discovery a decade ago.</p> Tue, 03 Jan 2017 17:25:53 +0000 26520 at /newsroom Rare galaxy found furiously burning fuel for stars /newsroom/channels/news/rare-galaxy-found-furiously-burning-fuel-stars-226020 Tue, 23 Apr 2013 19:30:58 +0000 18572 at /newsroom