Patients /neuro/taxonomy/term/516/all en Maria Zannis-Hadjopoulos: Overcoming Guillain-Barré syndrome /neuro/article/patients/maria-zannis-hadjopoulos-overcoming-guillain-barre-syndrome Nine years later, a rare disease patient continues to recover what was lost. Mon, 15 Jul 2024 18:21:46 +0000 Maria Zannis-Hadjopoulos 6078 at /neuro Making Life Easier for ALS Patients /neuro/article/patients/making-life-easier-als-patients Robert White’s contribution provides free adapted utensils and psychological care. Fri, 07 Jun 2024 13:08:44 +0000 Sarah Stack 6056 at /neuro ALS Month Profile: Danièle Doucet /neuro/article/patients/als-month-profile-daniele-doucet Danièle Doucet navigates diagnosis with help from family and friends. Tue, 28 May 2024 14:58:25 +0000 Shawn Hayward 6048 at /neuro Your monthly update from The Neuro-Patient Resource Centre /neuro/article/patients/your-monthly-update-neuro-patient-resource-centre As part of Parkinson's disease Awareness Month, we’re highlighting information resources on Parkinson's disease. Thu, 18 Apr 2024 20:06:46 +0000 Sabrina Burr 6005 at /neuro The case for patients donating samples to research /neuro/article/patients-open-science/case-patients-donating-samples-research “We need a discovery that will slow or stop the progression of this debilitating disease. We need a cure” Thu, 11 Apr 2024 19:08:51 +0000 Shawn Hayward 6001 at /neuro Navigating an epilepsy diagnosis /neuro/article/patients/navigating-epilepsy-diagnosis Alex Slaney Ashton describes her experience with epilepsy, misconceptions about the disease and why she wanted to give back. Mon, 25 Mar 2024 17:51:04 +0000 Alex Slaney Ashton 5985 at /neuro Year in review: 2023 /neuro/article/patients-research/year-review-2023 2023 was full of exciting developments at The Neuro. Here is a list of our top news stories from the year. Thu, 21 Dec 2023 15:06:30 +0000 Shawn Hayward 5881 at /neuro Aprilia and Siena's lemonade stand for ALS /neuro/article/patients-giving-stories/aprilia-and-sienas-lemonade-stand-als Children’s initiative raises $8,600 for research into neurodegenerative disease. Fri, 08 Sep 2023 14:19:31 +0000 Sonia La Para 5795 at /neuro Living with Rare Disease – Ingrid’s story /neuro/article/patients-open-science-research/living-rare-disease-ingrids-story Ingrid Kovitch shares her experience living with a rare disease and how she is contributing to the future of research. Tue, 21 Feb 2023 22:39:01 +0000 Ingrid Kovitch 5709 at /neuro A conversation with WHO Caregiver Skills Training Program Master Trainers /neuro/article/patients/conversation-who-caregiver-skills-training-program-master-trainers Marla Cable and Rebecca Fenton share what motivates them to empower Canadian caregivers and service providers to better support children with neurodevelopmental conditions Wed, 16 Nov 2022 16:47:51 +0000 Matthieu Santerre, Vanessa Tamburro 5669 at /neuro Living a full life with multiple sclerosis /neuro/article/patients/living-full-life-multiple-sclerosis An avid skier, Pierre Lachance doesn’t let multiple sclerosis stop him from hitting the slopes higher, faster and harder. Wed, 11 May 2022 15:16:31 +0000 Matthieu Santerre 5443 at /neuro A victory over epilepsy /neuro/article/patients/victory-over-epilepsy Thanks to The Neuro’s treatment and care, Benjamin Piette now lives a life free of epilepsy symptoms. Mon, 21 Mar 2022 17:39:50 +0000 Matthieu Santerre 5397 at /neuro Stroke: not on women’s radars /neuro/article/patients-patient-care/stroke-not-womens-radars Lack of information can mean women don’t recognize a serious health event when it happens. Mon, 07 Mar 2022 19:59:15 +0000 Sophie Lorenzo 5382 at /neuro Three generations of thanks /neuro/article/patients/three-generations-thanks <p>My mother, Freda Clavier Edelson, used to tell me about one of her first memories as a very little girl.</p> <p>It was the late 1920’s.</p> <p>Children were not allowed in a hospital back then – so she was outside with her aunt and siblings, looking up at the massive Royal Victoria Hospital.</p> <p>Her mom, Tilly Clavier, was visible from a window.<br /> <br /> Her aunt said, “Look up. Your mommy is an angel.“</p> Wed, 22 Sep 2021 18:27:46 +0000 Donna Grossner 5127 at /neuro Paddling past Parkinson’s /neuro/article/temoignages-de-patients/paddling-past-parkinsons Patrick Sullivan keeps active and motivated in the face of disease Wed, 28 Apr 2021 20:45:14 +0000 Victor Swoboda 4979 at /neuro