Accelerating Clinical Trials /neuro/taxonomy/term/1394/all en Neuro director to co-chair new national clinical trial initiative /neuro/channels/news/neuro-director-co-chair-new-national-clinical-trial-initiative-345105 <div> <div> <h4><span><span>C<span>onsortium brings together hundreds of researchers from 28 networks, 11 trial units<span> across the country<span> </span></span></span></span></span></h4> <p><span><span>Today the <span>Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) <span>announced funding for a new clinical <span>trial<span> consortium co-chaired by Dr. Guy Rouleau, Director of The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Hospital-Institute). <span> </span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p></div></div> Wed, 18 Jan 2023 20:30:52 +0000 5692 at /neuro