Undergraduate Students /neuro/taxonomy/term/1299/all en Neuro Epilepsy Lecture Series /neuro/channels/event/neuro-epilepsy-lecture-series-357967 <p>The 2024-2025 Neuro Epilepsy Lecture Series will include seven lectures covering hot topics in basic and clinical epilepsy research.</p> Wed, 17 Jul 2024 14:48:25 +0000 justin.martinez-rosler@mcgill.ca 6083 at /neuro Neuro Epilepsy Lecture Series /neuro/channels/event/neuro-epilepsy-lecture-series-357965 <p>The 2024-2025 Neuro Epilepsy Lecture Series will include seven lectures covering hot topics in basic and clinical epilepsy research.</p> Wed, 17 Jul 2024 14:23:08 +0000 justin.martinez-rosler@mcgill.ca 6082 at /neuro Dorothy J Killam Lecture 2025 /neuro/channels/event/dorothy-j-killam-lecture-2025-357963 <p>The Neuro's Dorothy J. Killam Lecture was established in 2004 to recognize women of influence in business, science, politics or the humanities.</p> Wed, 17 Jul 2024 14:06:56 +0000 justin.martinez-rosler@mcgill.ca 6081 at /neuro Neuro Epilepsy Lecture Series: Closed Loop Control of Cognitive Networks in Children With Epilepsy /neuro/channels/event/neuro-epilepsy-lecture-series-closed-loop-control-cognitive-networks-children-epilepsy-357970 <p>The 2024-2025 Neuro Epilepsy Lecture Series will include four lectures covering hot topics in basic and clinical epilepsy research.</p> Wed, 17 Jul 2024 15:04:54 +0000 justin.martinez-rosler@mcgill.ca 6084 at /neuro 6th Annual Neuro Open Science in Action Symposium 2024 /neuro/channels/event/6th-annual-neuro-open-science-action-symposium-2024-357804 <h3>6th Annual Neuro Open Science in Action Symposium 2024</h3> <p><em>An event organized by the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute<br /> In person at The Neuro and livestreamed online.</em></p> Wed, 26 Jun 2024 15:32:16 +0000 justin.martinez-rosler@mcgill.ca 6071 at /neuro 5th National Course on Sleep Medicine /neuro/channels/event/5th-national-course-sleep-medicine-354436 <p><span>This two-day training course is designed to provide and enhance a basic working knowledge of sleep medicine.</span></p> Thu, 18 Jan 2024 19:19:29 +0000 deborah.rashcovsky@mcgill.ca 5897 at /neuro Two Neuro projects funded by international partnership /neuro/channels/news/two-neuro-projects-funded-international-partnership-357722 <h2>Researchers will study how hormones affect brain cancer and the role of neural circuits in social skills</h2> <p>The Paris Brain Institute and the Institut Pasteur have partnered with The Neuro to fund two groundbreaking studies, each receiving more than $440,000. These projects are part of an international collaboration to address future challenges in neuroscience.</p> Fri, 14 Jun 2024 13:20:05 +0000 shawn.hayward@mcgill.ca 6061 at /neuro 7th National Neuromuscular Review Course /neuro/channels/event/7th-national-neuromuscular-review-course-354330 <p>Dr. Nicolas Dupré of Laval University, Dr.</p> Tue, 16 Jan 2024 17:33:26 +0000 deborah.rashcovsky@mcgill.ca 5895 at /neuro Alan Evans elected Fellow of the Royal Society /neuro/channels/news/alan-evans-elected-fellow-royal-society-357749 <h2>Honour is recognition for a lifetime of leading research</h2> <div> <div> <p><span><span>Alan Evans, a researcher at The Neuro, James ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery and co-director of the <span>Ludmer<span> Centre for Neuroinformatics and Mental Health, has been elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society, joining a class of scientists <span>that includes a <span>No<span>b<span>el laureate and a former Chief Medical Advisor to the US President. <span> </span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p></div></div> Mon, 17 Jun 2024 19:34:32 +0000 madhumitha.murugavelsangeetha@mail.mcgill.ca 6067 at /neuro $10.6M grant supports innovative autism project /neuro/channels/news/106m-grant-supports-innovative-autism-project-356608 <h2><b>ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Translational Platform in Autism Research will help uncover the disorders’ neural foundations </b></h2> &²¹³¾±è;±ô³Ù;±è&²¹³¾±è;²µ³Ù;Ìý&²¹³¾±è;±ô³Ù;/±è&²¹³¾±è;²µ³Ù; <p>A new project at The Neuro, ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ and the Research Institute of the ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ Health Centre (RI-MUHC) has been awarded $10.6M in financial support as part of the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s (CFI) Innovation Fund.</p> Fri, 05 Apr 2024 14:27:56 +0000 shawn.hayward@mcgill.ca 5996 at /neuro Open Science Office Hours - – How Open is my Science? /neuro/channels/event/open-science-office-hours-how-open-my-science-357449 <p><em>Please see further below for English version</em></p> <h2>Conférence spéciale: Ma science est-elle ouverte?</h2> <p><strong>Jeudi, le 13 juin 2024<br /> 16 h 00 – 17 h 00 HNE</strong><br /> Café et biscuits inclus !</p> Mon, 27 May 2024 18:03:31 +0000 luisa.pimentel@mcgill.ca 6045 at /neuro 5th Annual Neuro Open Science in Action Symposium 2023 /neuro/channels/event/5th-annual-neuro-open-science-action-symposium-2023-349513 <h3>Open Science: Towards the New Normal</h3> <p><em>An event organized by the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute<br /> In person at The Neuro and <a href="https://vimeo.com/903795187/e1d18394c9?share=copy">livestreamed online</a></em></p> &²¹³¾±è;±ô³Ù;±è&²¹³¾±è;²µ³Ù;Ìý&²¹³¾±è;±ô³Ù;/±è&²¹³¾±è;²µ³Ù; Wed, 09 Aug 2023 20:47:52 +0000 gabriel.pelletier@mcgill.ca 5778 at /neuro 25th Annual Neuropsychology Day and Brenda Milner Lecture /neuro/channels/event/25th-annual-neuropsychology-day-and-brenda-milner-lecture-353603 <p>The 25th Annual Neuropsychology Day and Brenda Milner Lecture honour the career and achievements of Professor Brenda Milner, an eminent cognitive neuroscientist and pioneer of the discipline of neuropsychology.</p> Thu, 14 Dec 2023 20:56:57 +0000 deborah.rashcovsky@mcgill.ca 5866 at /neuro Open Science Office Hours - – Open and Reproducible Data Visualization with demos in Python /neuro/channels/event/open-science-office-hours-open-and-reproducible-data-visualization-demos-python-357161 <p><i>Please see further below for English version</i></p> Wed, 01 May 2024 15:50:01 +0000 luisa.pimentel@mcgill.ca 6021 at /neuro Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2) – Introductory Workshop (French) /neuro/channels/event/autism-diagnostic-observation-schedule-second-edition-ados-2-introductory-workshop-french-355209 &²¹³¾±è;±ô³Ù;±è&²¹³¾±è;²µ³Ù;Ìý&²¹³¾±è;±ô³Ù;/±è&²¹³¾±è;²µ³Ù; Fri, 02 Feb 2024 22:31:43 +0000 kenneth.dyson@mcgill.ca 5939 at /neuro