student wellness /morsl/taxonomy/term/165/all en Mental Health and Spirituality Resources /morsl/cultivate-wellness/health &;;&;;&;;/&;; Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:56:24 +0000 2485 at /morsl Radix Call for Submissions Deadline /morsl/channels/event/radix-call-submissions-deadline-345171 <p>How do you forgive a loved one? A stranger? Yourself? Is restoration always the best solution when something is broken? Where can we find beauty in brokenness, and brokenness in beauty?</p> Fri, 20 Jan 2023 17:09:29 +0000 2440 at /morsl The Sikh Faith and Academic Life /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue/sikh-faith-and-academic-life <p>At many universities, the wave to achieve academic merit can often sweep students away. In many instances, advancement in today's modern world becomes a domineering focus in many aspects of life. Religion and faith seem to have little place in the academic struggle, as religious principles may seemingly hinder the attainment of one's goals. However, the creation of a medium between faith and academic pursuits may be more fulfilling in the long run.</p> Thu, 24 Nov 2022 18:23:19 +0000 Gurinder Samrai 2400 at /morsl Finding Spiritual Renewal this Summer /morsl/article/spiritual-wellness/finding-spiritual-renewal-summer <p>Summer is a great time for extra rest, spending time in nature, and creative activities. At MORSL, we're aware that nature and art are very important to many students, including when it comes to spirituality. In a recent talk given to colleagues across Canada, MORSL's director Carlene discussed how based on recent research, Gen Z young adults report experiences in nature and artistic activities to be among their most highly prioritized and valued personal spiritual practices.</p> Thu, 03 Nov 2022 20:24:12 +0000 MORSL 2380 at /morsl Thoughts on Meditation and Prayer /morsl/article/spiritual-wellness/thoughts-meditation-and-prayer <p>Recently I've read various thoughts about meditation and prayer that have stuck with me. Journalist Johann Hari's book <i>Lost Connections</i> discusses the power of regular meditation to bring healing from anxiety and depression. It opens space for transcendent insight and new meanings and choices available to us. Meditative states allow us to shed the weight of our egos, including worrying about what others think, self-defensiveness, self-criticism, shame, etc.</p> Thu, 20 Oct 2022 20:28:18 +0000 Candice Wendt 2361 at /morsl Panel Discussion: Spiritual Health During COVID-19 /morsl/learn-and-grow/religious-diversity/panel-spiritual-health-during-covid-19 <div> <bignumber> <bnvalue> <h4>Panel Discussion: Spiritual Health During COVID-19</h4> </bnvalue> </bignumber> </div> <blockquote></blockquote> Mon, 27 Apr 2020 15:16:17 +0000 1980 at /morsl Everything I’m Not Made Me Everything I Am /morsl/article/spiritual-wellness/everything-im-not-made-me-everything-i-am <p>I was excited to see that the prompt for this season’s submissions was “well-being,” because I felt like I had things to say about this topic. But it didn’t take much preliminary writing to see a pattern of thought emerge which was far more concerned with the idea of improving one’s self rather than finding wellness for the self. This conflation didn’t surprise me. On the contrary, it was familiar to me – a place I had operated from for a long time. How can I get higher grades, how can I be healthier, how can I know and do more, etc.</p> Tue, 25 Oct 2022 19:41:01 +0000 Jen Kaumeyer 2366 at /morsl My Neighbour's Faith Visit to Kahnawà:ke /morsl/channels/event/my-neighbours-faith-visit-kahnawake-301319 <p>Want to learn about local Indigenous perspectives on faith and spirituality? On <strong>Friday, Oct. 25</strong>, join MORSL for a special My Neighbour’s Faith outing to Kahnawà:ke!</p> Fri, 04 Oct 2019 13:40:38 +0000 1773 at /morsl Religious Diversity & Allyship Workshop /morsl/channels/event/religious-diversity-allyship-workshop-301465 <p>Join MORSL for a workshop exploring how faith and spirituality fit into the student experience.</p> Wed, 09 Oct 2019 15:20:41 +0000 1783 at /morsl Crafting a Personal Plant Sanctuary in Residence /morsl/channels/event/crafting-personal-plant-sanctuary-residence-301630 <p>Need a little nature in your dorm room? Join R-Life and MORSL for an interactive, artsy workshop for students in residence!</p> Fri, 11 Oct 2019 15:06:49 +0000 1786 at /morsl Discover Spiritual ƽ岻 2019 Fair /morsl/channels/event/discover-spiritual-mcgill-2019-fair-297705 <p>Get ready for the 2nd Annual "Discover Spiritual ƽ岻" fair on September 26, to be held in the Brown building. This event showcases our rich religious and spiritual life on campus, with special focus on student communities. Curious?</p> Thu, 27 Jun 2019 20:37:50 +0000 1681 at /morsl Aboriginal mass and blanket exercise at Gesù /morsl/channels/event/aboriginal-mass-and-blanket-exercise-gesu-297916 <p><i>Part of our “Exploring Indigenous Perspectives” summer series</i></p> Thu, 27 Jun 2019 20:37:50 +0000 1686 at /morsl MORSL Family Drop-in Day-August 21 /morsl/channels/event/morsl-family-drop-day-august-14-297794 <p>**Updated date - August 21 **</p> Thu, 27 Jun 2019 20:37:50 +0000 1684 at /morsl MORSL Visit to Kahnawake Pow Wow and St. Kateri Church /morsl/channels/event/morsl-visit-kahnawake-pow-wow-and-st-kateri-church-297780 <p><i>Part of our “Exploring Indigenous Perspectives” summer series</i></p> <p>Join us for a visit to Kahnawake where we'll attend the <i>Echoes of a Proud Nation</i> Pow Wow and visit the St. Kateri church.</p> Thu, 27 Jun 2019 20:37:50 +0000 1687 at /morsl MORSL annual cleanup days /morsl/channels/event/morsl-annual-cleanup-days-298091 <p>It's time to tend to our space, and we'd love to do it with YOU! Come for a few minutes or a few hours and help us re-pot houseplants, clear out old inventory, and do some minor touch-ups around the place while having fun at the same time.</p> Thu, 27 Jun 2019 22:01:20 +0000 1689 at /morsl