á’í /morsl/taxonomy/term/140/all en Celebrating the Ascension of Abdu'l-Bahá /morsl/article/holidays-and-holy-days-spiritual-wellness/celebrating-ascension-abdul-baha <p>An experience celebrating the Ascension of Abdu'l-Bahá (November 28, 2021) brought some spiritual light and joy into my life at a time I needed it.</p> Tue, 16 May 2023 13:45:48 +0000 Candice Wendt 2556 at /morsl Happy Naw-Ruz - Nowruz Mobarak /morsl/article/holidays-and-holy-days/happy-naw-ruz <p>This year, March 21st marks the Bahá'í new year. Bahá'ís celebrate Naw-Ruz, or New Year's day, on the annual vernal equinox. Symbolizing spring-time, change, and renewal, Naw-Ruz also marks the end of the 19-day Bahá'í fast.</p> <p>Naw-Ruz usually entails singing, dancing, eating, and socializing. However, Naw-Ruz is more than just a party - it also reminds us of the oneness of all the messengers of God, and the spiritual springtime they each brought to humanity. </p> Wed, 22 Mar 2023 17:30:54 +0000 MORSL 2516 at /morsl Did You Know?: á’í Student Panel /morsl/channels/event/did-you-know-bahai-student-panel-341383 <p>MORSL's "Did You Know?" student panel discussions focus on religious and spiritual student communities on campus. We'll ask students about the roles faith and religious community play in their lives.</p> Tue, 06 Sep 2022 13:02:37 +0000 candice.wendt@mcgill.ca 2322 at /morsl My Neighbour's Faith: Montreal Bahá'í Shrine Visit /morsl/channels/event/my-neighbours-faith-montreal-bahai-shrine-visit-342681 <p>Join us for the second My Neighbour's Faith event this Fall! We'll walk from MORSL to the nearby Montreal Bahá'í Shrine and enjoy an immersive experience in Bahá'í Faith's history and local community.</p> Thu, 06 Oct 2022 19:58:09 +0000 candice.wendt@mcgill.ca 2343 at /morsl Declaration of the Báb /morsl/article/holidays-and-holy-days/declaration-bab <p>Tonight, May 23rd, marks the beginning of the Bahá'í holy day of the declaration of the Báb, who is viewed as a Messenger of God. The Báb, previously known as Siyyid Ali-Muhammad, was born on October 20, 1918, in Shiraz, Iran. He was the founder of Bábism, and one of the central figures of the Bahá'í Faith.</p> Wed, 29 Mar 2023 19:40:37 +0000 MORSL 2522 at /morsl Ridván and Beltane: two lesser-known celebrations /morsl/article/holidays-and-holy-days/ridvan-and-beltane-two-lesser-known-celebrations <p>April 21st this year marks the first day of the Festival of Riḍván, a 12-day period celebrated by Bahá'ís around the world to commemorate the 12 days that Bahá’u’lláh (the Promised One) spent in the garden of Riḍván outside Baghdad to declare that he was a Manifestation of God. In Arabic, Riḍván means paradise and is the name of the garden where Bahá’u’lláh stayed for 12 days. Days 1 (April 21), 9 (April 29) and 12 (May 2) are Bahá‘í Holy Days on which work is suspended.</p> Thu, 17 Nov 2022 20:55:23 +0000 MORSL 2394 at /morsl