Wellness /morsl/taxonomy/term/133/all en A New Muslim Chaplain Joins our Team /morsl/article/interfaith-dialogue-spiritual-wellness/new-muslim-chaplain-joins-our-team <p><b>Faisal Malik </b>is the newest member of the MORSL faith volunteer roster, a team that is here to support ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ students of any (and no) faith. Faisal will be specifically supporting Muslim college and university students in Montreal, and his work is supported through Mont-Lumiere, an organization established by alumni of ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ and the Muslim Students’ Association of ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ (MSA ƽÌØÎå²»ÖÐ) that works to help students with their mental health and spiritual struggles.</p> Mon, 29 May 2023 12:43:22 +0000 MORSL 2557 at /morsl International Yoga Day Practice /morsl/channels/event/international-yoga-day-practice-348330 <p>Join MORSL and the Healthy Living Annex in celebrating International Yoga Day with a stress relieving practice. A student yogi initiated this event and will lead the session!</p> Mon, 15 May 2023 17:53:51 +0000 candice.wendt@mcgill.ca 2553 at /morsl Meditating Music /morsl/article/radix/meditating-music <p>Perfect and pure meditation, I suppose, would require no noise at all, or at least a complete <em>tuning out</em> of the noise. But for those of use who need a little help centring ourselves, focussing, concentrating, or zoning out into a meditative-<em>like</em> state, sometimes music can help. And some music is better than others.</p> Wed, 01 Feb 2023 21:30:06 +0000 Krissy Keech 2476 at /morsl Mental Health and Spirituality Resources /morsl/cultivate-wellness/health &²¹³¾±è;±ô³Ù;±è&²¹³¾±è;²µ³Ù;Ìý&²¹³¾±è;±ô³Ù;/±è&²¹³¾±è;²µ³Ù; Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:56:24 +0000 sophia.penner@mail.mcgill.ca 2485 at /morsl Wintering /morsl/article/spiritual-wellness/wintering <p>In Katherine May's book, <i>Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times, </i>she discusses cyclical periods of our lives when we need extra rest, self-compassion, and quiet meditative time. As she describes, “Life meanders like a path through the woods. We have seasons when we flourish and seasons when the leaves fall from us, revealing our bare bones. Given time, they grow again." A personal winter might arrive after a loss or failure, the end of a relationship, or any time we feel sidelined, grieving, or isolated. Winter is a time for self love and gentleness.</p> Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:11:02 +0000 MORSL 2484 at /morsl Spiritual Side of Yoga Session 2: Cackras /morsl/channels/event/spiritual-side-yoga-session-2-cackras-345608 <p>Join MORSL in exploring the spiritual side of yoga. Happening 6:00 -7:00 PM on Wednesdays for a total of 8 weeks (excluding reading week), this class is informative, soothing and meditative, and suited for every body and all levels.</p> Wed, 25 Jan 2023 20:58:12 +0000 sophia.penner@mail.mcgill.ca 2455 at /morsl Spiritual Side of Yoga Session 7: The Eight Limbs of Yoga /morsl/channels/event/spiritual-side-yoga-session-7-eight-limbs-yoga-345665 <p>Join MORSL in exploring the spiritual side of yoga. Happening 6:00 - 7:00 PM on Wednesdays for a total of 8 weeks, this class is informative, soothing and meditative, and suited for every body and all levels.</p> Fri, 27 Jan 2023 17:59:52 +0000 sophia.penner@mail.mcgill.ca 2466 at /morsl Spiritual Side of Yoga Session 6: Meditation /morsl/channels/event/spiritual-side-yoga-session-6-meditation-345664 <p>Join MORSL in exploring the spiritual side of yoga. Happening 6:00 -7:00 PM on Wednesdays for a total of 8 weeks, this class is informative, soothing and meditative, and suited for every body and all levels.</p> Fri, 27 Jan 2023 17:51:56 +0000 sophia.penner@mail.mcgill.ca 2465 at /morsl Spiritual Side of Yoga Session 5: Pranayama /morsl/channels/event/spiritual-side-yoga-session-5-pranayama-345662 <p>Join MORSL in exploring the spiritual side of yoga. Happening 6:00 - 7:00 PM on Wednesdays for a total of 8 weeks, this class is informative, soothing and meditative, and suited for every body and all levels.</p> Fri, 27 Jan 2023 17:45:25 +0000 sophia.penner@mail.mcgill.ca 2464 at /morsl Spiritual Side of Yoga Session 8: Hope /morsl/channels/event/spiritual-side-yoga-session-8-hope-345668 <p>Join MORSL in exploring the spiritual side of yoga. Happening 6:00 - 7:00 PM on Wednesdays for a total of 8 weeks, this class is informative, soothing and meditative, and suited for every body and all levels.</p> Fri, 27 Jan 2023 18:26:18 +0000 sophia.penner@mail.mcgill.ca 2467 at /morsl Spiritual Side of Yoga Session 4: Mudras and Mantras /morsl/channels/event/spiritual-side-yoga-session-4-mudras-and-mantras-345615 <p>Join MORSL in exploring the spiritual side of yoga. Happening 6:00 -7:00 PM on Wednesdays for a total of 8 weeks, this class is informative, soothing and meditative, and suited for every body and all levels.</p> Wed, 25 Jan 2023 21:34:57 +0000 sophia.penner@mail.mcgill.ca 2462 at /morsl Spiritual Side of Yoga Session 3: Self-Inquiry /morsl/channels/event/spiritual-side-yoga-session-3-self-inquiry-345614 <p>Join MORSL in exploring the spiritual side of yoga. Happening 6:00 -7:00 PM on Wednesdays for a total of 8 weeks, this class is informative, soothing and meditative, and suited for every body and all levels.</p> Wed, 25 Jan 2023 21:31:36 +0000 sophia.penner@mail.mcgill.ca 2461 at /morsl Spiritual Side of Yoga Session 1: Introduction /morsl/channels/event/spiritual-side-yoga-session-1-introduction-344851 <p>Join MORSL in exploring the spiritual side of yoga.</p> Wed, 11 Jan 2023 20:11:18 +0000 sophia.penner@mail.mcgill.ca 2431 at /morsl Pondering Eternity /morsl/article/spiritual-wellness/pondering-eternity <p>The poet Mary Oliver spent most of her life outside writing about nature walks and her search for the divine. In her early years, she was fascinated by the possibility of eternal life. Later, despite never having attained clear answers to many of her spiritual questions, she was intrigued by her recognition that eternity and continuance are realities of existence. Time and matter continue indefinitely, and as she describes, "everything’s a little energy: you go back, and you’re these little bits of energy, and pretty soon, you’re something else. Now, that’s a continuance.</p> Tue, 22 Nov 2022 18:53:38 +0000 Candice Wendt 2397 at /morsl Breathing as Balance /morsl/article/spiritual-wellness/breathing-balance <p>Balance comes in many forms. We balance ourselves physically, on tight-ropes of in yoga poses; mentally, when we weigh the pros and cons of a situation, and emotionally, when we decide we need a hug or an hour to ourselves. But where do we look to balance ourselves spiritually?</p> <p>Some of us attend a synagogue, a temple, a mosque, or a church. Others play music or create art. And some of us meditate. </p> Fri, 11 Nov 2022 21:43:16 +0000 Sarah Mitchell 2388 at /morsl