
City Team

Part of Molino Blanco Team in Rosario, Argentina.Part of Molino Blanco Team in Rosario, Argentina.

Members of Servicio Publico de la Vivienda - SPV, Rosario, Argentina.

The Local Project Working Group, formed to facilitate the process of participatory site analysis, design, implementation, documentation and systematisation, is made up of staff from the following institutions: the Municipalidad de Rosario, the Rosario National University, the Centre of Urban Environmental Studies and the Centre for Agro-ecological Production Studies.

Municipalidad de Rosario

Mr. Miguel Lifschitz
His Worship the MayorMr. Pedro Pavicich
Secretary, Secretariat of Social PromotionMr. Antonio Lattuca
Local Project Leader and Coordinator of the Municipal Urban Agriculture ProgrammeMrs. Maria Isabel Garzia
Director of the Housing Public Service - SPVMr. Gustavo Ramos
Coordinator Molino Blanco Project - SPV

Centro de Estudios del Ambiente Urbano - Faculty of Architecture, National University of Rosario

Ms. Laura Bracalenti
Associated Ms. Laura Lagorio

Centro de Estudios de Producciones Agroecologicas - CEPAR (Centre for Agro-ecological Production Studies)

Mr. Edelmiro Asato
Director of the Centre for Agro-ecological Production StudiesMr. Raul Terrile
Representing CEPAR and Promotion of Urban Agriculture
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