Policy Lab 2024 /maxbellschool/taxonomy/term/4075/all en Investing in supply chain resiliency in the territorial North /maxbellschool/policy-lab-2024/territorial-north Highlights from the 2024 report by Fiorella Becerra Ortiz, Maeve McGuire, Jillian Hayden, and Krystina Sorensen. Wed, 24 Jul 2024 00:21:33 +0000 Fiorella Becerra Ortiz, Maeve McGuire, Jillian Hayden, and Krystina Sorensen 3206 at /maxbellschool Improving efficiencies to build more housing /maxbellschool/policy-lab-2024/offsite-construction Highlights from the 2024 report by Mercy Nwosu Baidoo, Ian Lupton, Adrita Rahman, and Abdelrahman Sherif. Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:34:43 +0000 Mercy Nwosu Baidoo, Ian Lupton, Adrita Rahman and Abdelrahman Sherif 3212 at /maxbellschool Accelerating climate adaptation in Atlantic Canada /maxbellschool/policy-lab-2024/atlantic-climate Highlights from the 2024 report by Anita Dernovici, Aislinn Hagan, Guadalupe Jolicoeur, and Colleen Keilty. Wed, 24 Jul 2024 00:53:49 +0000 Anita Dernovici, Aislinn Hagan, Guadalupe Jolicoeur, and Colleen Keilty 3208 at /maxbellschool Advocating for refugees' right to adequate housing /maxbellschool/policy-lab-2024/refugee-housing Highlights from the 2024 report by Asha Sivarajah, Elsie Mares, Francis Padi, Jibril Hussein, and Pallawi Anand. Wed, 24 Jul 2024 17:03:12 +0000 Asha Sivarajah, Elsie Mares, Francis Padi, Jibril Hussein, and Pallawi Anand 3209 at /maxbellschool Advancing digital government services /maxbellschool/policy-lab-2024/onegov Highlights from the 2024 report by Arwa Emhemed, Gagan Gill, Leona Bu, Raihana Kamal, and Sean Celi. Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:53:59 +0000 Arwa Emhemed, Gagan Gill, Leona Bu, Raihana Kamal, and Sean Celi 3210 at /maxbellschool Promoting newcomer labour integration /maxbellschool/policy-lab-2024/newcomer-labour Highlights from the 2024 report by Chloé Aboud, Teodora Durca, Sarahí Nava, Joyce Selby, Jamil Tanimu. Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:16:37 +0000 Chloé Aboud, Teodora Durca, Sarahí Nava, Joyce Selby, Jamil Tanimu 3211 at /maxbellschool Telecommunications and greenhouse gas reductions /maxbellschool/policy-lab-2024/telecom-ghg Highlights from the 2024 report by Abdul-Hakim Fuseini, Adam Suleman, Emily Peden, and Rebecca Kresta. Wed, 24 Jul 2024 00:40:17 +0000 Abdul-Hakim Fuseini, Adam Suleman, Emily Peden, Rebecca Kresta 3207 at /maxbellschool Reducing competition barriers in electric vehicle charging /maxbellschool/policy-lab-2024/ev-charging Highlights from the 2024 report by Tirzah Commey, Soomin Han, Nina Hernández Jayme, Darragh Joyce, and Michael Kynaston. Tue, 23 Jul 2024 22:25:30 +0000 Tirzah Commey, Soomin Han, Nina Hernández Jayme, Darragh Joyce, and Michael Kynaston 3205 at /maxbellschool Policy Lab 2024: MPP Candidates Tackle Real-World Problems /maxbellschool/article/policy-lab-2024 Our Policy Lab provides an opportunity for our students to explore tangible problems put forward by our partner organizations. Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:37:33 +0000 Max Bell School of Public Policy 3197 at /maxbellschool