
Law, Rights, and Public Spaces

Mardi, 12 novembre, 2013 13:00à16:00
Pavillon Chancellor-Day Stephen Scott Seminar Room (OCDH 16), 3644, rue Peel, Montréal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA


13³ó00:ÌýNicholas Blomley, Professor and Chair, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University | "Law and Geography: Origins and Destinations"

14³ó00:ÌýMarie-Eve Sylvestre, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, and Celine Bellot, Professor, École de service social, Université de Montréal | "Toward Court Geographies: Spatial Restriction Orders and Marginalized People's Rights in Canada"

15³ó15:ÌýWilliam Damon, MA Candidate, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University | "Spatial Tactics and Criminal Courts: Legal Geographies of Risk in Contemporary Criminal Justice"

¶Ù¾±²õ³¦³Ü²õ²õ²¹²Ô³Ù:ÌýVéronique Fortin, PhD Candidate, University of California Irvine

Prière de confirmer votre présence en écrivant à chrlp.law [at] mcgill.ca d'ici le 6 novembre 2013.

Soutenu par l'Initiative Aisenstadt pour l'égalité et la communauté

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