BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240520T023246EDT-8854OJDj8S@ DTSTAMP:20240520T063246Z DESCRIPTION:Select a 5-minute time slot and ask your immigration question t o an ISS advisor.\n\n\n DIRECTIONS: A day prior to the session\,聽you will r eceive an email with directions to sign up for your 5-minute advising time .聽Please sign up for ONLY ONE 5-minute session. The day prior email will a lso contain the Zoom meeting link for the session.聽All sessions will be te rminated at the 5-minute mark.\n \n Only questions related to your temporary resident documents required to study at 平特五不中 will be answered. Please d o not sign up for the rapid advising session if you have questions on perm anent residence\, admission to 平特五不中\, etc.\n Note:聽If you have signed up for Rapid Advising and also sent an RFI on myISS\, your RFI will be delete d. If you have any other questions not related to a question that you want to ask during Rapid Advising\, please submit a new RFI.\n DTSTART:20240502T140000Z DTEND:20240502T153000Z LOCATION:Brown Student Services\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 0G3\, 3600 rue M cTavish SUMMARY:Rapid Advising: May 2\, 2024 URL:/internationalstudents/channels/event/rapid-advisi ng-may-2-2024-356947 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR