
First Aid in the Workplace

Tuesday, July 11, 2017 09:15toWednesday, July 12, 2017 17:00

Designed and subsidized by the Government of Quebec*, this course is mandatory for Quebec establishments. *Commission des normes, de l'茅quit茅, de la sant茅 et de la s茅curit茅 du travail [CNESST]3610...

First Aid in the Workplace

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 09:00toThursday, March 9, 2017 17:00

Designed and subsidized by the Government of Quebec*, this course is mandatory for Quebec establishments. *Commission des normes, de l'茅quit茅, de la sant茅 et de la s茅curit茅 du travail [CNESST]3610...

First Aid in the Workplace

Monday, March 27, 2017 09:00toTuesday, March 28, 2017 17:00

Designed and subsidized by the Government of Quebec*, this course is mandatory for Quebec establishments. *Commission des normes, de l'茅quit茅, de la sant茅 et de la s茅curit茅 du travail [CNESST]3610...

Laboratory Safety Manual

平特五不中 Laboratory Safety Manual v2.0

Safety Training

For more help with the EHS Safety Training System, please see the following videos:

Facilities Safety

The Facilities Safety section covers safety issues for 平特五不中 employees in charge of maintenance and repairs around the University.


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