External /digital-humanities/taxonomy/term/4/all en Joshua McEvilla - Facet-Searching the Shakespearian Drama /digital-humanities/channels/event/joshua-mcevilla-facet-searching-shakespearian-drama-241530 <p><strong>Facet-Searching the Shakespearian Drama: An Online Reader of John Cotgrave’s <em>The English Treasury of Wit and Language</em></strong></p> Wed, 04 Feb 2015 20:46:39 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 698 at /digital-humanities Jonathan Sterne - Didactic Media, Multimodal Argument and Graduate Pedagogy: Digital Humanities Beyond the Written Word /digital-humanities/channels/event/jonathan-sterne-didactic-media-multimodal-argument-and-graduate-pedagogy-digital-humanities-beyond-241167 <p>The talk in the Winter 2015 Digital Humanities Work in Progress Series</p> Mon, 19 Jan 2015 17:28:29 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 697 at /digital-humanities Work in Progress – Michael Jemtrud: Mediated Cities Project /digital-humanities/channels/event/work-progress-michael-jemtrud-mediated-cities-project-239122 <p>The Fall Work in Progress series concludes with Michael Jemtrud (Architecture) “Mediated Cities Project”</p> Wed, 24 Sep 2014 19:20:10 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 695 at /digital-humanities Work in Progress – Jason Harley: Augmented reality with mobile technologies: Can it lead to learning and engagement with historical settings? /digital-humanities/channels/event/work-progress-jason-harley-augmented-reality-mobile-technologies-can-it-lead-learning-and-engagement-239121 <p>Work in Progress continues with Jason Harley (LEADS – Education / UdeM HERON Lab) “Augmented reality with mobile technologies: Can it lead to learning and engagement with historical settings?”</p> Wed, 24 Sep 2014 19:18:34 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 694 at /digital-humanities Victoria Slonosky: Canada’s Climate History: Weather Observations from the St-Lawrence Valley, 1742-2010 /digital-humanities/channels/event/victoria-slonosky-canadas-climate-history-weather-observations-st-lawrence-valley-1742-2010-239120 <p><span>In conjunctions with our colleagues in Geography, through the Geospectives Speaker Series, Victoria Slonosky will be at ƽ岻 to present her research on the St Lawrence.</span></p> Wed, 24 Sep 2014 19:15:20 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 693 at /digital-humanities Work in Progress – Grace Fong and Song Shi: Patterns of Selection and Distribution: Application of Digital Tools on Metadata in the Ming Qing Women’s Writings Database /digital-humanities/channels/event/work-progress-grace-fong-and-song-shi-patterns-selection-and-distribution-application-digital-tools-239116 <p>Our Work in Progress Series continues with Grace Fong and Song Shi (East Asian Studies) who will present ongoing development of the Ming-Qing Women’s Writing database, ƽ岻’s premiere digital archive.</p> Wed, 24 Sep 2014 16:59:11 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 692 at /digital-humanities Work in Progress – Summer Roundup: Houellebecq and Neatline, Digital Environmental Humanities & Early Modern Conversions /digital-humanities/channels/event/work-progress-%E2%80%93-summer-roundup-houellebecq-and-neatline-digital-environmental-humanit <p><span>Come join us for the first Work in Progress Meeting of 2014-15 academic year! As usual we’ll be meeting in rm 455, 688 Sherbrooke St West. We’ll have lightening talks from students, postdocs, and DH faculty about their summer work.</span></p> Fri, 12 Sep 2014 19:37:15 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 691 at /digital-humanities Benjaming Fung - E-mail Authorship Analysis for Crime Investigation - DH Work In Progress Series /digital-humanities/channels/event/benjaming-fung-e-mail-authorship-analysis-crime-investigation-dh-work-progress-series <p>Benjamiin Fung (Information Studies) will give this year's final DH work in progress talk.</p> Fri, 21 Mar 2014 13:17:21 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 670 at /digital-humanities Montreal DH Showcase / Vitrine HN 2014 /digital-humanities/channels/event/montreal-dh-showcase-vitrine-hn-2014-232509 <p>Montreal's Digital Humanities community is gathering this year at UQaM for the 2014 Showcase / Vitrine.</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2014 00:53:02 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 665 at /digital-humanities Maurizio Ferraris - Kant's Cell-Phone: from Postmodernism to New Realism /digital-humanities/channels/event/maurizio-ferraris-kants-cell-phone-postmodernism-new-realism-231263 <p>Prof. Ferraris will present his work on Postmodernism and Realism this <strong>tuesday</strong>. </p> <p>The talk will examine four theses:</p> Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:12:24 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 664 at /digital-humanities Marin Dacos (Aix-Marseille): Can we reach Open Access in the Humanities and the Social Sciences? /digital-humanities/channels/event/marin-dacos-aix-marseille-can-we-reach-open-access-humanities-and-social-sciences-231 <div> <p>Marin Dacos (Aix-Marseille): Can we reach Open Access in the Humanities and the Social Sciences?</p> </div> <div> <p>All are welcome</p></div> Tue, 15 Oct 2013 13:55:18 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 663 at /digital-humanities Montreal Digital Humanities Showcase 2013 /digital-humanities/channels/event/montreal-digital-humanities-showcase-2013-226066 <p>who: Montreal Researchers</p> <p>what: Projects using or considering digital technologies & Methods, resources, or tools in humanistic research</p> <p>how: Prepare a 5 minute snappy short on your work for an interdisciplinary audience</p> Fri, 26 Apr 2013 14:04:44 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 656 at /digital-humanities Montreal Digital Humanities Showcase 2013 - Calls for Presentations /digital-humanities/channels/news/montreal-digital-humanities-showcase-2013-calls-presentations-226065 <h3>CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS - DUE MAY 12 to <span class="spamspan"><span class="u">Digital.Humanities</span> [at] <span class="d">mcgill.ca</span></span></h3> <h3>Montreal Digital Humanities Showcase 2013</h3> <p>Are you using digital research methodologies and resources in your humanities research and scholarship? Or are you making new tools or applications? We want to hear about it! The Showcase is an informal occasion to bring together Montreal’s faculty and student researchers to discuss current work-in-progress.</p> Fri, 26 Apr 2013 13:58:26 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 655 at /digital-humanities Track Changes: The Literary History of Word Processing - ƽ岻 2013 Digital Humanities Lecture - Matt Kirschenbaum (Maryland) /digital-humanities/channels/event/track-changes-literary-history-word-processing-mcgill-2013-digital-humanities-lecture <p>Mark Twain famously prepared the manuscript for Life on the Mississippi (1883) with his new Remington typewriter, the first literary text ever submitted to a publisher in typewritten form.</p> Mon, 07 Jan 2013 16:22:41 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 650 at /digital-humanities Roger Easton “Imaging Technologies and an Impending New 'Golden Age' in Manuscript Studies" /digital-humanities/channels/event/roger-easton-%E2%80%9Cimaging-technologies-and-impending-new-golden-age-manuscript-studies-21 <p><span>The imaging of the visual appearance of manuscripts for wide </span><span>dissemination via the internet is now widely practiced and has </span><span>dramatically changed the lives of manuscript scholars.</span></p> Mon, 07 Jan 2013 16:17:54 +0000 matthew.milner@mcgill.ca 649 at /digital-humanities