平特五不中 Desautels Faculty of Management - DaHee Han's Recent Research /desautels/channels_item/165 en 2023 SSHRC Insight Development Grants /desautels/node/1099155 <h4><b>Congratulations to the 平特五不中 Desautels professors who received 2023 SSHRC Insight Grants.</b></h4> <hr /> <p>The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) is the federal research funding agency that promotes and supports research and training in the humanities and social sciences.</p> <p>聽</p> Mon, 08 Apr 2024 15:04:00 +0000 平特五不中 2020 SSHRC Insight Grants awarded /desautels/node/79909 <h4>Congratulations to the Desautels professors who received 2020 SSHRC Insight Grants and Insight Development Grants.</h4> <hr /> <h5>SSHRC Insight Grants</h5> <ul> <li>Professor <a href="/desautels/laurent-barras">Laurent Barras</a> (with Professor <a href="/desautels/david-schumacher">David Schumacher</a>)</li> <li>Professor <a href="/desautels/sebastien-betermier">Sebastien Betermier</a></li> <li>Professor <a href="/desautels/lisa-cohen">Lisa Cohen</a></li></ul> Tue, 23 Feb 2021 23:02:04 +0000 平特五不中 Power Distance Belief, Power, and Charitable Giving /desautels/node/67985 <p><strong>Authors:聽聽<a href="/desautels/dahee-han">Dahee Han</a></strong>, Ashok K. Lalwani and Adam Duhachek</p> <p><strong>Publication:</strong> <em>Journal of Consumer Research</em>, Vol. 44, No. 1, June 2017</p> <p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> <p>Three studies examine the relation between power distance belief (PDB), the tendency to accept and expect inequalities in society; power, the control one has over valued resources; and charitable giving. Results suggest that the effect of PDB depends on the power held by the donor. In low-PDB contexts, people high (vs. low) in psychological power tend to be more self-focused (vs. other-focused), and this leads them to be less charitable. In high-PDB contexts, however, people high (vs. low) in psychological power tend to be more other-focused (vs. self-focused), and this leads them to be more charitable. The authors also explore several boundary conditions for these relationships and conclude with the implications of these findings.</p> <p><strong>Read full article: </strong><em><a href="https://academic.oup.com/jcr/article/44/1/182/2938886/Power-Distance-Belief-Power-and-Charitable-Giving" target="_blank">Journal of Consumer Research</a></em></p> <p> Tue, 17 Oct 2017 17:51:21 +0000 平特五不中 Coping and Construal Level Matching Drives Health Message Effectiveness via Response Efficacy or Self-Efficacy Enhancement /desautels/node/66607 <p><strong>Authors</strong>: <a href="/desautels/dahee-han" target="_blank"><strong>Han, D.</strong></a>,聽Duhachek, A.,聽Agrawal, N.聽</p> <p><strong>Publication</strong>: <em>Journal of Consumer Research聽</em></p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong>:聽</p> Thu, 06 Oct 2016 18:26:01 +0000 平特五不中 Distinct threats, common remedies: How consumers cope with psychological threat /desautels/node/65181 <p><strong>Authors</strong>:聽<span><strong>Han, D.</strong>,聽</span><span>Duhachek, A., and聽</span><span>Rucker, D.D.聽聽</span></p> <p><span><strong>Publication</strong>:聽</span><em>Journal of Consumer Psychology</em></p> Fri, 30 Oct 2015 14:44:01 +0000 平特五不中 The psychology of appraisal: Specific emotions and decision-making /desautels/node/64391 <p><strong>Authors: 聽</strong>So, J.,聽Achar, C.,聽<strong>Han, D.H.</strong>,聽Agrawal, N.,聽Duhachek, A., Maheswaran, D.</p> <p><strong>Publication:聽</strong><em>Journal of Consumer Psychology</em></p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> Fri, 29 May 2015 15:18:37 +0000 平特五不中