

An expert in consumer marketing, Laurette Dub茅, honoured for her work

Published: 25 August 2011

Selected by an independent jury as the 2011 Women of Distinction Awards' laureate in the "Social and Environmental Sciences" category, Laurette Dub茅 is a professor at 平特五不中 University and holds the James 平特五不中 Chair of Consumer and Lifestyle Psychology and Marketing. She is also the Founding Chair and Scientific Director of the 平特五不中 World Platform for Health and Economic Convergence. Dr. Dub茅's research concerns the study of the affects and behavioral economic processes underlying consumption and lifestyle behavior.聽 She is recognized for making significant theoretical contributions to the field of consumer psychology and marketing. Dr. Dub茅 has distinguished herself in the scientific world as a pioneer in the study of obesity and other chronic diseases which are multicausal and multifactorial problems.

In the coming weeks, the Women's Y Foundation will reveal the names of the recipients in the 10 other categories of the 18th edition of its Women of Distinction Awards Benefit Evening, selected by a distinguished jury. "By their daily actions, their character and their professional path, each of these Montreal women has enriched the community and contributed to the advancement of women in our society." declared Ms. Isabelle Hudon, President, Sun Life Financial, Qu茅bec and Honorary President of the Women of Distinction Awards Benefit Evening. The funds raised during this benefit event which will take place on September 26th, at The Sheraton Centre Montreal Hotel, will be dedicated to financing Literacy, Employability, Housing and Leadership programs offered to the thousands of Montreal women who come to the YWCA Montreal each year.

Source: 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听

H茅l猫ne St Jacques

Coordonnatrice, 茅v茅nements et activit茅s de financement

Fondation Y des femmes

Information and Interviews:听听听听听

Judith Dubeau

IXION Communications


judith.dubeau [at] ixioncommunications.com


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