
Bibliography and clinical summaries of readings

Bibliography and clinical summaries of readings Clinical Integration Group on Sexual Abuse (2008 publications)

For copies of the following readings or readings on a wide variety of subject areas related to sexual abuse, please refer to BYFC librarian Janet Sand at janet_sand [at] ssss.gouv.qc.ca

Chaffin, M., Berliner, L., Block, R., Johnson, T. C., Friedrich, W. N., Louis, D. G. et al. (2008). Report of the ATSA Task Force on Children With Sexual Behavior Problems. Child Maltreatment, 13(2), 199-218.

Erdmans, M. P. & Black, T. (2008). What they tell you to forget: From child sexual abuse to adolescent motherhood. Qualitative Health Research, 18(1), 77-89. Erdsman & Black clinical summary

Everson, M. D., Smith, J. B., Hussey, J. M., English, D., Litrownik, A. J., Dubowitz, H. et al. (2008). Concordance between adolescent reports of childhood abuse and child protective service determinations in an at-risk sample of young adolescents. Child Maltreatment, 13(1), 14-26. Everson clinical summary

Girard, A. L. & Senn, C. Y. (2008). The role of the new "date rape drugs" in attributions about date rape. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23(1), 3-20. Girard clinical summary

Hilarski, C., Wodarski, J. S., & Feit, M. D. (Eds.) (2008). Handbook of social work in child and adolescent sexual abuse. New York, NY: Haworth Press/Taylor & Francis Group. 286 pp.

Johnson, R. J. (2008). Advances in understanding and treating childhood sexual abuse: Implications for research and policy. Family & Community Health, 31(Suppl1), S24-S34.

Korkman, J, Santtila, P, Drzewiecki, T, & Sandnabba, N. K. (2008). Failing to keep it simple: Language use in child sexual abuse interviews with 3-8-year-old children. Psychology, Crime & Law, 14(1), 41-60.

Leander, L., Christianson, S. A., & Granhag, P. A. (2008). Internet-initiated sexual abuse: Adolescent victims' reports about on- and off-line sexual activities. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22(9), 1260-1274.

Lippert, T., Favre, T., Alexander, C., & Cross, T. P. (2008). Families who begin versus decline therapy for children who are sexually abused. Child Abuse & Neglect, 32(9), 859-868.

Merrick, M. T., Litrownik, A. J., Everson, M. D., & Cox, C. E. Beyond sexual abuse:The impact of other maltreatment experiences on sexualized behaviors. Child Maltreatment, 13(2), 122-132. Merrick clinical summary

Seto, M. (2008). Pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Theory, assessment and intervention. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association. 30 pp. Seto book review

Sigfusdottir, I. D., Asgeirsdottir, B. B., Gudjonsson, G. H., & Sigurdsson, J. F. (2008). A model of sexual abuse's effects on suicidal behavior and delinquency: The role of emotions as mediating factors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37(6), 699-712.

Simons, D. A., Wurtele, S. K., & Durham, R. L. (2008). Developmental experiences of child sexual abusers and rapists. Child Abuse & Neglect, 32(5), 549-560. Simons clinical summary

Tarren-Sweeney, M. Predictors of problematic sexual behavior among children with complex maltreatment histories. Child Maltreatment, 13(2), 182-198. Tarren-Sweeny clinical summary

Young, A., Grey, M., Abbey, A., Boyd, C. J., & McCabe, S. E. (2008). Alcohol-related sexual assault victimization among adolescents: Prevalence, characteristics, and correlates. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 69(1), 39-48. Young clinical summary

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