business /continuingstudies/taxonomy/term/1135/all en SCS International Women’s Day Celebrations 2022  /continuingstudies/channels/event/scs-international-womens-day-celebrations-2022-337979 <p><img src="/continuingstudies/files/continuingstudies/020-02-22-scs_internationalwomen-sdaycelebrations2022_fb3.png" style="width:100%; height:100%" /></p> Tue, 01 Mar 2022 01:47:01 +0000 11425 at /continuingstudies Career Pathways in Business Analysis: Information Session /continuingstudies/channels/event/career-pathways-business-analysis-information-session-334202 <p><img src="/continuingstudies/files/continuingstudies/035-04-20-careerpathwaysinbusinessanalysis_infosession_fb.png" style="width:100%; height:100%" /></p> Fri, 15 Oct 2021 23:30:40 +0000 10918 at /continuingstudies Value Propositions for Data Projects /continuingstudies/channels/event/value-propositions-data-projects-337048 <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/continuingstudies/files/continuingstudies/image.jpeg" style="width:100%; height:100%" /></a></p> Mon, 24 Jan 2022 20:56:45 +0000 11307 at /continuingstudies Career Pathways in Business Analysis: Information Session /continuingstudies/channels/event/career-pathways-business-analysis-information-session-331666 <p><a href=""><img alt="Business Analysis Info Session" src="/continuingstudies/files/continuingstudies/035-04-20-careerpathwaysinbusinessanalysi</body></html>" /></a></p> Mon, 28 Jun 2021 15:22:31 +0000 10604 at /continuingstudies Finding Your Blue Ocean: Creative Business Transformation with the Slingshot Framework /continuingstudies/channels/event/finding-your-blue-ocean-creative-business-transformation-slingshot-framework-331199 <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/continuingstudies/files/continuingstudies/020-05-21-pd_findingyourblueocean_creativebusinesstransformationwithth</body></html>" /></a></p> Tue, 25 May 2021 14:36:10 +0000 10512 at /continuingstudies 5G for Investors and Entrepreneurs /continuingstudies/channels/event/5g-investors-and-entrepreneurs-329083 <p><a href=""><img src="/continuingstudies/files/continuingstudies/043-02-21-pd_5gforinvestorsandentrepreneurs_webinar_fb.png" style="height:384p</body></html>" /></a></p> Mon, 22 Feb 2021 22:21:26 +0000 10335 at /continuingstudies Career Pathways in Business Analysis: Information Session /continuingstudies/channels/event/career-pathways-business-analysis-information-session-326193 <p><a href=""><img alt="Business Analysis Info Session" src="/continuingstudies/files/continuingstudies/035-04-20-careerpathwaysinbusinessanalysi</body></html>" /></a></p> Wed, 11 Nov 2020 20:40:39 +0000 10022 at /continuingstudies Preparing for the 5G “Brave New World” /continuingstudies/article/preparing-5g-brave-new-world <p>The foregoing discussion (re: Parts 1 to 3 of this blog series) has attempted to demystify the fascinatingly complex and dynamic story of the global launch of 5G and associated opportunities and challenges. A key theme in this discussion is that 5G is fundamentally <i>different</i> from previous generations of mobile technology.</p> Fri, 09 Oct 2020 14:55:32 +0000 John Nikolopoulos 9948 at /continuingstudies “Inconvenient” Elephants in the Room – 5G's Potential Impacts on Health and Environment /continuingstudies/article/inconvenient-elephants-room-5gs-potential-impacts-health-and-environment <p>The 5G geopolitics discussed previously (re: Part 2 of my blog) have also spilled into the health arena as well. Early reports of the spread of the coronavirus in China <a href="">suggested connections with some of the early 5G deployments</a> in the country and voilà – a new conspiracy theory was born!</p> Fri, 09 Oct 2020 14:46:45 +0000 John Nikolopoulos 9947 at /continuingstudies 5G: Unleashing Massive Market Opportunity and Innovation /continuingstudies/article/5g-unleashing-massive-market-opportunity-and-innovation <p>In my mind, 5G fundamentally changes the game by enabling, for the first time, <i>innovation at scale</i> <i>and speed</i>. And this innovation is anchored across a number of new capabilities, or what some in the industry are increasingly referring to as “currencies” – <a href="">Verizon CEO Hans Vestberg refers to a total of <b>8</b> that are in play</a>!</p> Fri, 09 Oct 2020 15:13:00 +0000 John Nikolopoulos 9946 at /continuingstudies Mobile History, Standards, and the Dramatic Launch of 5G /continuingstudies/article/mobile-history-standards-and-dramatic-launch-5g <p>For some, 5G, as in “fifth generation”, might sound as something familiar following the “standard” approximate <a href="">10 year cycle upgrades in mobile technology</a> that the market has witnessed through the 1G to 4G generations over the last 35 – 40 years. With each generation, the first question that always seems to arise is, “So what is the killer app?” The first generation, or 1G, was launched in the 1980s and focused on basic voice connectivity.</p> Fri, 09 Oct 2020 14:40:00 +0000 John Nikolopoulos 9945 at /continuingstudies Understanding and Preparing for the Coming Mobile 5G Tsunami! /continuingstudies/article/understanding-and-preparing-coming-mobile-5g-tsunami <p>What do COVID-19, self-driving transport, smart cities, cloud gaming,<a name="_Hlk45579086" id="_Hlk45579086">the </a><a href="">Canadian arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou in 2018</a>, President Trump signing the <a href="">“Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act</a>” in March 2020, various <a href="</body></html>"></a></p> Fri, 09 Oct 2020 15:08:35 +0000 John Nikolopoulos 9949 at /continuingstudies Career Pathways in Business Analysis /continuingstudies/channels/event/career-pathways-business-analysis-322324 <p><a href=""><img alt="Business Analysis Info Session" src="/continuingstudies/files/continuingstudies/035-04-20-careerpathwaysinbusinessanalysis_infosession_fb.png" styl="" /></a></p> Fri, 22 May 2020 16:20:27 +0000 9680 at /continuingstudies Career Pathways in Business Analysis: Info Session /continuingstudies/channels/event/career-pathways-business-analysis-info-session-301993 <p><a href="/x/Z7f "><img src="/continuingstudies/files/continuingstudies/business_analysis_infosession_fbbanner_2.jpg" style="height:385px; width:735px" /></a></p> Thu, 24 Oct 2019 16:16:14 +0000 9067 at /continuingstudies Career Pathways in Data Analytics: Info Session /continuingstudies/channels/event/career-pathways-data-analytics-info-session-299261 <p><a href=""><img src="/continuingstudies/files/continuingstudies/https_cdn.evbuc_.com_images_67601267_286098173856_1_original.jpeg" style="height:368px; width:735px" /></a></p> Wed, 07 Aug 2019 15:27:58 +0000 8965 at /continuingstudies