平特五不中 /channels/taxonomy/term/8688/all en Experts: Canada needs national strategy to monitor online gambling harms: report聽 /channels/channels/news/experts-canada-needs-national-strategy-monitor-online-gambling-harms-report-357858 <p>Canada needs a national strategy to monitor gambling-related harms and control the deluge of advertisements that followed Ontario鈥檚 legalization of commercial online gambling and sports betting, according to a new report from the group that wrote the country鈥檚 alcohol guidelines. (<a href="https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-canada-needs-national-strategy-to-monitor-online-gambling-harms-report/" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">Globe and Mail</a>)聽</p> <p>Here are some experts from 平特五不中 who can comment on this topic:聽聽</p> Tue, 02 Jul 2024 17:05:25 +0000 webfull 200672 at /channels Expert: Treating healthcare as a calling, not a business聽 /channels/channels/news/expert-treating-healthcare-calling-not-business-357351 <p>Because healthcare is a calling, we must cease trying to run it like a business, according to 平特五不中 Professor Henry Mintzberg. In a new <a href="https://bmjleader.bmj.com/content/early/2024/04/14/leader-2023-000912#ref-1" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">commentary</a> published in BMJ Leader, he discusses how the corporatization of healthcare is changing the practice of medicine, causing many physicians to feel alienated from their work.聽</p> Wed, 15 May 2024 19:42:19 +0000 webfull 200073 at /channels Study underscores new strategies to fight drug-resistant bacteria /channels/channels/news/study-underscores-new-strategies-fight-drug-resistant-bacteria-357267 <p>Several billion years ago, a genetic arms race began between bacteria and their viral killers. This seemingly eternal struggle continues today, with implications for diseases killing tens of thousands of people around the world each year.</p> Tue, 07 May 2024 18:42:00 +0000 webfull 199985 at /channels Experts: National Hospice Palliative Care Week | May 5-11 /channels/channels/news/experts-national-hospice-palliative-care-week-may-5-11-357266 <p>National Hospice Palliative Care Week in Canada is a time to celebrate and highlight the incredible work to provide quality palliative care across the country. (<a href="https://www.chpca.ca/campaigns/national-hospice-palliative-care-week/" title="Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association.">Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association</a>)</p> <p>Here are some experts from 平特五不中 who can comment on this topic:</p> Tue, 07 May 2024 18:12:34 +0000 webfull 199982 at /channels Huit universit茅s montr茅alaises s鈥檜nissent pour acc茅l茅rer l'action climatique et renforcer la r茅silience de la m茅tropole /channels/channels/news/huit-universites-montrealaises-sunissent-pour-accelerer-laction-climatique-et-renforcer-la-357251 <p><strong>Montr茅al, 7 mai 2024 鈥</strong> Aujourd鈥檋ui, dans le cadre du Sommet Climat Montr茅al, huit institutions universitaires montr茅alaises 鈥 l鈥櫭塩ole de technologie sup茅rieure (脡TS), HEC Montr茅al, l鈥橧nstitut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Polytechnique Montr茅al, l鈥橴niversit茅 平特五不中, l鈥橴niversit茅 Concordia, l'Universit茅 de Montr茅al (UdeM) et l鈥橴niversit茅 du Qu茅bec 脿 Montr茅al (UQAM) 鈥 s鈥檈ngagent 脿 collaborer pour acc茅l茅rer l鈥檃ction climatique de la collectivit茅 montr茅alaise en partageant leurs savoirs et leurs pratiques, tout en faisant preuve d鈥檈xemplarit茅 dans la r茅duction d</p> Tue, 07 May 2024 15:00:30 +0000 webfull 199973 at /channels Study finds weak link between adolescent media use and psychotic experiences in adulthood /channels/channels/news/study-finds-weak-link-between-adolescent-media-use-and-psychotic-experiences-adulthood-356638 <p>As digital media becomes an increasing part of daily life for teens, the question of how heightened screen time will impact their brains in the future is becoming more pressing.</p> <p>A group of researchers at 平特五不中 has set out to determine whether the use of video games, computers and other media during adolescence was associated with psychotic experiences in adulthood.</p> Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:00:27 +0000 webfull 199308 at /channels 平特五不中 Design Day 2024 /channels/channels/event/mcgill-design-day-2024-356481 <p>平特五不中 Design Day showcases engineering design projects and celebrates the achievements of our students in the fields of: engineering design, aerospace, biomaterial, electronics, bioengineering, resource management, software engineering, sustainab</p> Wed, 27 Mar 2024 16:50:31 +0000 webfull 199074 at /channels Using pulp and paper waste to scrub carbon from emissions /channels/channels/news/using-pulp-and-paper-waste-scrub-carbon-emissions-356341 <p>Researchers at 平特五不中 have come up with an innovative approach to improve the energy efficiency of carbon conversion, using waste material from pulp and paper production. The technique they鈥檝e pioneered using the Canadian Light Source at the University of Saskatchewan not only reduces the energy required to convert carbon into useful products, but also reduces overall waste in the environment.</p> Wed, 27 Mar 2024 13:05:56 +0000 webfull 199018 at /channels More than 2M Quebecers don鈥檛 have access to primary care: OurCare report /channels/channels/news/more-2m-quebecers-dont-have-access-primary-care-ourcare-report-356254 <p>More than two million people in Quebec don鈥檛 have access to primary care, the front door to the healthcare system, according to the newly released <a href="https://www.ourcare.ca/reports">OurCare report on Canada</a>. This is among the worst rates in the country, the report states.</p> <p>To address a medical system that鈥檚 facing an aging and growing population, the OurCare report 鈥 developed in collaboration with 平特五不中 researchers 鈥 focuses on the public鈥檚 expectations when it comes to defining good primary care and what policy changes they recommend to shape the system.</p> Mon, 25 Mar 2024 13:28:58 +0000 webfull 198836 at /channels Expert: HIV epidemic on the rise, with more cases in Quebec than national average /channels/channels/news/expert-hiv-epidemic-rise-more-cases-quebec-national-average-356224 <p>The HIV epidemic is on the rise again in Canada, with an 'alarming increase' of 24.9 per cent in reported cases across the country in 2022, according to the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research. The Public Health Agency of Canada reported 1,833 new cases of HIV in 2022. Men aged 30 to 39 are the category with the highest rates. (<a href="https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/hiv-epidemic-on-the-rise-again-with-more-cases-in-quebec-than-national-average-1.6765242" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">CTV News</a>)聽</p> Wed, 20 Mar 2024 14:51:40 +0000 webfull 198703 at /channels 平特五不中 launches legal challenge against government measures /channels/channels/news/mcgill-launches-legal-challenge-against-government-measures-355652 <p>Following a unanimous vote at a special Board meeting on February 15, 平特五不中 today launched a legal challenge against two measures announced by the Government of Quebec on December 14, 2023:</p> Fri, 23 Feb 2024 15:34:28 +0000 webfull 198066 at /channels 平特五不中 study finds that some Canadians may still be at risk of Genetic Discrimination despite new federal law /channels/channels/news/mcgill-study-finds-some-canadians-may-still-be-risk-genetic-discrimination-despite-new-federal-law-355104 <p>As Canadians share more and more genetic data with service providers such as insurance companies or databases like Ancestry.com, the potential for discrimination based on this data is growing. Known as Genetic Discrimination (GD), this practice is broadly defined as the differential treatment of an individual compared to the rest of the population based on actual or presumed genetic information.</p> Tue, 30 Jan 2024 16:16:07 +0000 webfull 197372 at /channels ICYMI: 2023 research round up /channels/channels/news/icymi-2023-research-round-353847 <h2>聽</h2> <p><img height="345" width="500" src="/newsroom/files/newsroom/styles/wysiwyg_extra_large/public/alien_life_4.png?itok=Ggj7j-mM" alt="" /></p> Thu, 21 Dec 2023 15:42:14 +0000 webfull 195995 at /channels 平特五不中 launches Canada Award to offset tuition increase for Canadian undergraduate students /channels/channels/news/mcgill-launches-canada-award-offset-tuition-increase-canadian-undergraduate-students-353738 <p>平特五不中 is launching a $3,000 <a href="/undergraduate-admissions/canada-award">Canada Award</a> to offset tuition increases for Canadian undergraduate students from outside Quebec in certain disciplines. Approximately 80% of new Canadian students from outside Quebec coming to 平特五不中 will be eligible for the new award.</p> Tue, 19 Dec 2023 18:32:47 +0000 webfull 195855 at /channels 平特五不中 calls on Premier Legault to reverse decision, citing devastating effects on Quebec and the University /channels/channels/news/mcgill-calls-premier-legault-reverse-decision-citing-devastating-effects-quebec-and-university-353597 <p>平特五不中 is calling on Premier Fran莽ois Legault to immediately reverse the government measures released today and go back to the drawing board.</p> <p>鈥淭hese policies are unacceptable. They are incoherent, not based on data and will not meet the stated objectives of the government. More importantly, their effect on the Quebec economy and on Quebec universities will be absolutely devastating. In short, they do not serve Quebecers well,鈥 said Deep Saini, President and Vice-Chancellor of 平特五不中.</p> Thu, 14 Dec 2023 18:00:49 +0000 webfull 195713 at /channels