joanne liu /channels/taxonomy/term/7266/all en 43rd Desautels Management Achievement Awards celebrates industry “disruptors” /channels/channels/news/43rd-desautels-management-achievement-awards-celebrates-industry-disruptors-346198 <p>On Friday, February 3, the Desautels Faculty of Management hosted the 43rd edition of the Desautels Management Achievement Awards, a student-run initiative which brings the global Desautels community together to celebrate the achievements of industry leaders who have demonstrated a career of great achievement and commitment of responsible business.</p> Fri, 17 Feb 2023 17:25:26 +0000 webfull 187367 at /channels Médecins Sans Frontières brought business innovations to charitable giving /channels/channels/news/medecins-sans-frontieres-brought-business-innovations-charitable-giving-343522 <p>Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) introduced a new business model for charitable giving. “We were the first ones to create the regular donation model," said <strong>Dr. Joanne Liu </strong>(MDCM'91, IMHL'14, DSc'16), an emergency physician, a professor at the School of Population and Global Health at ƽ岻, and the 13th President of MSF (2013-2019). “One of our first fundraising campaigns was 1 euro per day,” Liu said in an interview with Prof. <a href="//">Karl Moore</a> for “And another big innovation was the no opt-out approach.</p> Mon, 14 Nov 2022 21:14:50 +0000 webfull 184503 at /channels Après deux ans de pandémie, sommes-nous désensibilisés aux décès liés à la COVID-19? - Radio-Canada, March 14, 2022 /channels/channels/news/apres-deux-ans-de-pandemie-sommes-nous-desensibilises-aux-deces-lies-la-covid-19-radio-canada-march-338398 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), is among the experts quoted by <em>Radio-Canada.</em></p> Mon, 14 Mar 2022 19:55:01 +0000 webfull 178723 at /channels Que veut dire «vivre avec le virus»? - Radio-Canada, February 18, 2022 /channels/channels/news/que-veut-dire-vivre-avec-le-virus-radio-canada-february-18-2022-337839 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), and Dr. Madhukar Pai, Professor at the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health and past ƽ岻 Global Health Programs Director, are among the experts quoted by <em>Radio-Canada.</em></p> Fri, 18 Feb 2022 22:23:03 +0000 webfull 178114 at /channels Les inégalités dans la lutte contre la pandémie : Entrevue avec Joanne Liu - Radio-Canada, February 13, 2022 /channels/channels/news/les-inegalites-dans-la-lutte-contre-la-pandemie-entrevue-avec-joanne-liu-radio-canada-february-13-337830 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), spoke with <em>Radio-Canada.</em></p> Fri, 18 Feb 2022 20:58:31 +0000 webfull 178104 at /channels Équité vaccinale : « Le prochain variant est évitable », affirment des organismes - Radio-Canada, February 2, 2022 /channels/channels/news/equite-vaccinale-le-prochain-variant-est-evitable-affirment-des-organismes-radio-canada-february-2-337406 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), is among the experts quoted by <em>Radio-Canada.</em></p> Thu, 03 Feb 2022 21:47:15 +0000 webfull 177626 at /channels Young people offer a wake-up call and distress signal in the midst of a pandemic - Cult MTL, January 22, 2022 /channels/channels/news/young-people-offer-wake-call-and-distress-signal-midst-pandemic-cult-mtl-january-22-2022-337073 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), co-wrote an open letter in Cult MTL.</p> <p style="margin-left:40px">"This week, school-aged children returned to their classrooms across Quebec. We want a safe return to school for these students and all school personnel. Our hope is that SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission will be limited until our medical system can provide dignified healthcare for the entire population."</p> Tue, 25 Jan 2022 15:44:45 +0000 webfull 177131 at /channels Laissons les jeunes donner la leçon - La Presse, January 22, 2022 /channels/channels/news/laissons-les-jeunes-donner-la-lecon-la-presse-january-22-2022-337039 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), co-wrote an open letter in <em>La Presse</em>.</p> <p style="margin-left:40px">"Cette semaine, les jeunes du milieu scolaire sont rentrés en classe partout au Québec. Nous souhaitons un retour sécuritaire à l’école pour ces élèves et le personnel scolaire. Nous espérons que la propagation du virus SARS-CoV-2 va être limitée, considérant que notre système de santé n’est pas en mesure de soigner dignement toute la population."</p> Mon, 24 Jan 2022 17:19:40 +0000 webfull 177094 at /channels Situation dans les hôpitaux: «je suis extrêmement inquiète», commente la Dre Liu - Journal de Montréal, January 20, 2022 /channels/channels/news/situation-dans-les-hopitaux-je-suis-extremement-inquiete-commente-la-dre-liu-journal-de-montreal-337018 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), commented on the current situation in Quebec hospitals.</p> Fri, 21 Jan 2022 19:45:14 +0000 webfull 177073 at /channels 5 choses à savoir sur la Dre Joanne Liu, pressentie pour succéder au Dr Arruda - 24 heures, January 12, 2022 /channels/channels/news/5-choses-savoir-sur-la-dre-joanne-liu-pressentie-pour-succeder-au-dr-arruda-24-heures-january-12-336493 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), is profiled in French paper <em>24 heures.</em></p> <p style="margin-left:40px">"Le nom de la Dre Joanne Liu a souvent été évoqué dans les dernières heures, après que le Dr Horacio Arruda eut démissionné de son poste de directeur national de santé publique, lundi soir. Voici cinq choses à savoir sur la Dre Liu. "</p> <p><a href=""><em>Read the full profile</em></a></p> Sat, 15 Jan 2022 00:10:59 +0000 webfull 176522 at /channels De la nécessité d’avoir un plan de gestion des risques clair - La Presse, January 11, 2022 /channels/channels/news/de-la-necessite-davoir-un-plan-de-gestion-des-risques-clair-la-presse-january-11-2022-336490 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), is among the co-signatories of an open letter published in <em>La Presse.</em></p> <p style="margin-left:40px"><em>"</em>L’éducation est un pilier important de toute société. Non seulement elle est fondamentale pour le développement des enfants, mais c’est également un déterminant important de la santé de la population."</p> Fri, 14 Jan 2022 23:53:28 +0000 webfull 176519 at /channels La gestion de pandémie en 2022 : Entrevue avec Joanne Liu - Radio-Canada, January 3, 2022 /channels/channels/news/la-gestion-de-pandemie-en-2022-entrevue-avec-joanne-liu-radio-canada-january-3-2022-335996 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), spoke to Radio-Canada.</p> <p><a href=""><em>Listen to the interview (in French)</em></a></p> Mon, 03 Jan 2022 15:48:46 +0000 webfull 175994 at /channels The Year Ahead: Canada must help vaccinate the world now, Liu says - Montreal Gazette, January 3, 2022 /channels/channels/news/year-ahead-canada-must-help-vaccinate-world-now-liu-says-montreal-gazette-january-3-2022-335995 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), spoke to the <em>Montreal Gazette</em>.</p> <p style="margin-left:40px">"The formula for ending the COVID-19 pandemic may not be easy, but it is simple, says Dr. Joanne Liu, a leading voice on medical humanitarian crises."</p> <p><a href=""><em>Read the full article</em></a></p> Mon, 03 Jan 2022 15:40:39 +0000 webfull 175993 at /channels Au tour du fédéral de faire sa part - Le Devoir, December 11, 2021 /channels/channels/news/au-tour-du-federal-de-faire-sa-part-le-devoir-december-11-2021-335487 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), co-authored an op-ed in <em>Le Devoir.</em></p> Mon, 13 Dec 2021 15:21:51 +0000 webfull 175476 at /channels Que nous réserve (encore) la COVID? - La Presse, December 5, 2021 /channels/channels/news/que-nous-reserve-encore-la-covid-la-presse-december-5-2021-335400 <p>Dr. Joanne Liu, Professor focusing on pandemic and health emergencies at the ƽ岻 School of Population and Global Health (SPGH), is among the experts quoted by <em>La Presse.</em></p> Tue, 07 Dec 2021 00:02:01 +0000 webfull 175378 at /channels