Let's Talk Science /channels/taxonomy/term/22385/all en Thousands flock to 平特五不中 to take in solar eclipse /channels/channels/news/thousands-flock-mcgill-take-solar-eclipse-356738 <p>On Monday April 8th, thousands of people flocked to 平特五不中's downtown and MacDonald campuses, as well as Gault Nature Reserve, to witness a once-in-a-lifetime event: the total solar eclipse. The three spectacular events not only included a viewing party with free glasses, but also educational activities to inform the public on this astronomical phenomenon. Read the Reporter article on聽<a href="https://reporter.mcgill.ca/thousands-throng-to-mcgill-to-take-in-solar-eclipse/">the eclipse festivities</a>聽to learn more.</p> Thu, 11 Apr 2024 18:48:45 +0000 webfull 199369 at /channels Eclipse events abound at 平特五不中 /channels/channels/news/eclipse-events-abound-mcgill-356256 <p>平特五不中 will be hosting three solar eclipse events on April 8, one downtown, one at Macdonald campus, and another at the Gault Nature Reserve.</p> <p>At approximately 3:20 p.m. on April 8, the sky above Montreal will go dark during a total eclipse of the sun. A rare celestial occurrence, the next total solar eclipse won鈥檛 happen in Montreal until the next century. 鈥淎 total eclipse of the sun is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,鈥 says Carolina Cruz-Vinaccia, Outreach Program Administrator at 平特五不中鈥檚 Trottier Space Institute (TSI). 鈥淵ou really don鈥檛 want to miss it.鈥</p> Thu, 21 Mar 2024 16:46:12 +0000 webfull 198746 at /channels Anikka Swaby wins 2022 Let's Talk Science Volunteer Award /channels/channels/news/anikka-swaby-wins-2022-lets-talk-science-volunteer-award-340247 <p>Anikka Swaby, BSc(NutrSc)'18, MSc (Human Nutrition)'22 is the recipient of the Let's Talk Science National Volunteer Award!</p> <p>This award recognizes an exceptional volunteer who has shown outstanding innovation, communication and a commitment to STEM education and outreach.</p> <p>Anikka leveraged her knowledge and expertise as a registered dietician to develop the Good Gut Bacteria kit which has been added to the 平特五不中 Let鈥檚 Talk Science kit library and has been adapted for multiple symposiums and homeschool workshops.</p> Thu, 07 Jul 2022 15:43:26 +0000 webfull 180819 at /channels Parlons de plantes with Let's Talk Science (in French) /channels/channels/event/parlons-de-plantes-lets-talk-science-french-332235 <p>Summer 2021: Parlons de plantes</p> Wed, 04 Aug 2021 15:42:27 +0000 webfull 172046 at /channels Let's Talk Plants with Let's Talk Science (in English) /channels/channels/event/lets-talk-plants-lets-talk-science-english-332234 <p>Summer 2021: Let's Talk Plants</p> Wed, 04 Aug 2021 15:37:11 +0000 webfull 172044 at /channels Let's Talk Vaccines! /channels/channels/event/lets-talk-vaccines-330815 <p>Dr. Christopher Labos, a cardiologist, will be talking about vaccines on May 28, 10-11am! Register for this event here: <a href="https://bit.ly/2PtvXEO">https://bit.ly/2PtvXEO</a><br /><br /> About Dr. Labos:<br /></p> Tue, 04 May 2021 20:53:46 +0000 webfull 170327 at /channels Family Science Day: Ask 平特五不中 Scientists!! (Panel/Q&A/Activity) /channels/channels/event/family-science-day-ask-mcgill-scientists-panelqaactivity-330260 <p>As part of 平特五不中鈥檚 Bicentennial and 24h de science, Let's Talk Science at 平特五不中 invites you to come chat with 平特五不中 scientists about their new and exciting research discoveries and their own evolution into the world of science!</p> Wed, 07 Apr 2021 00:44:24 +0000 webfull 169701 at /channels Let's Talk Cancer! /channels/channels/event/lets-talk-cancer-329946 <p><a href="https://outreach.letstalkscience.ca/mcgill-university/local-programs/on-campus-events.html">Let's Talk Science at 平特五不中</a>, <a href="https://www.desirmontrealriot.com/">Research and Information Outreach Team (RIOT)</a>,聽and </p> Mon, 22 Mar 2021 21:39:47 +0000 webfull 169354 at /channels The 3rd Annual Montreal StemCellTalks Symposium /channels/channels/event/3rd-annual-montreal-stemcelltalks-symposium-329945 <p><u><strong>Note: SCT 2021 is a French-language symposium聽</strong></u><strong>for Sec 4 to CEGEP.</strong></p> Mon, 22 Mar 2021 21:16:37 +0000 webfull 169352 at /channels Storytime activities for Science Literacy Week! /channels/channels/event/storytime-activities-science-literacy-week-324547 <p>September 21 to 27 is jam-packed with <a href="https://letstalkscience.ca/events/science-literacy-week-lets-talk-science">Science Literacy Week events</a>.</p> Mon, 14 Sep 2020 02:11:54 +0000 webfull 163378 at /channels Let's Talk Sustainability /channels/channels/event/lets-talk-sustainability-320450 <p>An exciting event for聽CEGEP and聽Sec V students interested in sustainablity!聽Are you excited to learn more about conservation?! We have a fantastic full-day event for you on Mar 5th organized by 平特五不中 and Concordia's Let's Talk Science.</p> Mon, 17 Feb 2020 02:53:20 +0000 webfull 158781 at /channels