Lyman Entomological Museum /channels/taxonomy/term/18723/all en 平特五不中 establishes research chair to address climate change in the North /channels/channels/news/mcgill-establishes-research-chair-address-climate-change-north-352101 <p>As Canadians experience a year of record-breaking wildfires, floods, and extreme heat, experts are warning that these conditions will persist and likely intensify over the coming decades as we experience the escalating effects of climate change and global warming. These impacts are being felt even more acutely in northern regions of the planet, where temperatures are rising at four times the global rate.</p> Wed, 18 Oct 2023 17:25:13 +0000 webfull 194067 at /channels Flesh flies invading the Laurentians, Eastern Townships /channels/channels/news/flesh-flies-invading-laurentians-eastern-townships-298099 <p>If you've been out in the Laurentians or the Eastern Townships lately, you may have noticed there've been a lot of flies - notably bigger varieties known as flesh flies. 聽</p> <p>They have been seen invading those communities to the point where some restaurants had to shut down their terrasses and residents can't enjoy their backyards.</p> <p>"Flesh fly - the name is a little bit scary," said <strong>Stephanie Boucher</strong>, curator of the Lyman Entomological Museum and Research Laboratory at 平特五不中.</p> Tue, 02 Jul 2019 14:40:31 +0000 webfull 150214 at /channels Lyman Museum Tour /channels/channels/event/lyman-museum-tour-288749 <p>During this 20-minute guided tour, you will visit聽the scientific collection of insects of the <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Lyman Entomological Museum</strong></a>, which聽houses 2.8 million specimens of insects (making </p> Mon, 13 Aug 2018 14:09:21 +0000 webfull 139606 at /channels