max bell school of public policy /channels/taxonomy/term/16705/all en Experts: Canada and U.S. reach border deal on irregular migrants /channels/channels/news/experts-canada-and-us-reach-border-deal-irregular-migrants-347287 <p>The Trudeau government has reached a long-discussed deal with the United States on irregular migration which will allow Ottawa to close the Roxham Road irregular crossing at the Canada-U.S. border. The deal would close a loophole in the agreement, which came into force in 2004 and currently prevents Canadian law enforcement from turning back asylum seekers who enter Canada from the United States at border locations that are not official ports of entry. (<a href="">CBC News</a>)</p> Fri, 24 Mar 2023 19:57:20 +0000 webfull 188490 at /channels The Energy Transition We Need: Max Bell School of Public Policy Spring Conference /channels/channels/event/energy-transition-we-need-max-bell-school-public-policy-spring-conference-347032 <h3>How do we tackle the biggest policy challenges in getting Canada to net zero?</h3> Mon, 20 Mar 2023 21:12:52 +0000 webfull 188252 at /channels Teaching hope during the climate crisis /channels/channels/news/teaching-hope-during-climate-crisis-346018 <p><em>Forty-five undergraduate students at 平特五不中 participated in new Climate Crisis and Climate Actions course</em></p> <p>The COVID-19 pandemic slowed down almost everything. For聽<a href="/ose/people/diane-dechief">Diane Dechief</a>, PhD, and聽<a href="/ose/people/diane-dechief">Marcy Slapcoff</a>聽of the Office of Science Education (OSE), the two leads of the new Faculty of Science course聽<a href="/ose/courses/fsci-198">FSCI198: Climate Crisis and Climate Actions</a>, there was a positive aspect to the delays.</p> Fri, 10 Feb 2023 15:02:38 +0000 webfull 187155 at /channels It鈥檚 strange, we have long-term focus in some policy areas but not others | Financial Post /channels/channels/news/its-strange-we-have-long-term-focus-some-policy-areas-not-others-financial-post-344724 <p>January 4 2023 | Professor <a href="//">Christopher Ragan</a>, Director of the Max Bell School of Public Policy shares his thoughts on the state the of the Canadian economy and the health care crisis as it stands at the end of 2022.</p> Wed, 04 Jan 2023 19:20:42 +0000 webfull 185796 at /channels Quebec report recommends rights-based approach to tackle intimate partner violence, homelessness | The Lawyer's Daily /channels/channels/news/quebec-report-recommends-rights-based-approach-tackle-intimate-partner-violence-homelessness-lawyers-344722 <p>January 4 2022 | The Quebec government should establish a comprehensive 鈥渕ade in Quebec鈥 legal framework to tackle intimate partner violence by creating a specific right to adequate housing under the Quebec聽<em>Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms</em>聽and introduce comprehensive legislation that institutes a right to be free from domestic violence that includes legal recourses in civil matters, argues <a href="//">Pearl Eliadis</a>, Associate Professor at the Max Bell School of Public Policy.聽</p> Wed, 04 Jan 2023 18:47:46 +0000 webfull 185794 at /channels Master of Public Policy Information Session 4 /channels/channels/event/master-public-policy-information-session-4-342626 <p>Delivered by聽Chris Ragan,聽Director of the Max Bell School, Helen Aaron, the School's Graduate Program Coordinator, and Catherine Stace, our Career Services Manager, these information sessions are a chance to find out more about our Master of Publi</p> Wed, 05 Oct 2022 17:40:56 +0000 webfull 183346 at /channels Master of Public Policy Information Session 3 /channels/channels/event/master-public-policy-information-session-3-342625 <p>Delivered by聽Chris Ragan,聽Director of the Max Bell School, Helen Aaron, the School's Graduate Program Coordinator, and Catherine Stace, our Career Services Manager, these information sessions are a chance to find out more about our Master of Publi</p> Wed, 05 Oct 2022 17:38:42 +0000 webfull 183345 at /channels Master of Public Policy Information Session 2 /channels/channels/event/master-public-policy-information-session-2-342624 <p>Delivered by聽Chris Ragan,聽Director of the Max Bell School, Helen Aaron, the School's Graduate Program Coordinator, and Catherine Stace, our Career Services Manager, these information sessions are a chance to find out more about our Master of Publi</p> Wed, 05 Oct 2022 17:37:05 +0000 webfull 183344 at /channels Master of Public Policy Information Session 1 /channels/channels/event/master-public-policy-information-session-1-342623 <p>Delivered by聽Chris Ragan,聽Director of the Max Bell School, Helen Aaron, the School's Graduate Program Coordinator, and Catherine Stace, our Career Services Manager, these information sessions are a chance to find out more about our Master of Publi</p> Wed, 05 Oct 2022 17:31:49 +0000 webfull 183343 at /channels Andrew Potter: Zelenskyy's mistake was believing Canada was serious | The Line /channels/channels/news/andrew-potter-zelenskyys-mistake-was-believing-canada-was-serious-line-340692 <p>July 20, 2022 | In this article for The Line, Max Bell School professor <a href="//">Andrew Potter</a>聽lambastes the Canadian government for allowing gas turbines for the Nord Stream 1 pipeline聽to be returned to Germany.</p> <p><a href="">Read the article</a>.</p> Wed, 10 Aug 2022 16:14:48 +0000 webfull 181205 at /channels The politics of rage and disinformation 鈥 we ignore it at our peril | National Observer /channels/channels/news/politics-rage-and-disinformation-we-ignore-it-our-peril-national-observer-340690 <p>July 18, 2022 | Before joining the Max Bell School's Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy as its Director of Policy & Engagement,聽Supriya Dwivedi encountered the harmful world of conspiracy theories and misinformation聽as host of a morning show on a Toronto talk radio station. Learn more about her experience and how it galvanized her to tackle to problem of mis- and disinformation.</p> <p><a href="">Read the article</a>.</p> Wed, 10 Aug 2022 15:57:28 +0000 webfull 181203 at /channels How should Canada tackle harmful online content? Look beyond our borders, experts say | Toronto Star /channels/channels/news/how-should-canada-tackle-harmful-online-content-look-beyond-our-borders-experts-say-toronto-star-340689 <p>July 14, 2022 | As a member of the聽12-person advisory group convened by the federal government to weigh in on the Liberals' online harms legislation, Max Bell School professor <a href="//">Taylor Owen</a> provided perspective on what lessons can be learned from other countries' legislative efforts.</p> <p><a href="">Read the article</a>.</p> Wed, 10 Aug 2022 15:30:54 +0000 webfull 181202 at /channels Can Quebec pharmacists legally refuse to prescribe the morning-after pill? | CBC News /channels/channels/news/can-quebec-pharmacists-legally-refuse-prescribe-morning-after-pill-cbc-news-340688 <p>August 6, 2022 | Recently, in Saguenay, Que., a pharmacist rejected a woman's request to purchase emergency oral contraception, claiming that then morning-after pill did not "align with his values." Human rights lawyer and Max Bell School professor <a href="//">Pearl Eliadis</a> weighs in.</p> <p><a href="">Read the article</a>.</p> Wed, 10 Aug 2022 14:54:09 +0000 webfull 181201 at /channels Canada鈥檚 Huawei decision: Next Steps | Policy Magazine /channels/channels/news/canadas-huawei-decision-next-steps-policy-magazine-340050 <p>In聽<em>Policy Magazine</em>'s new Emerging Voices series by students, five Max Bell School MPPs were invited to write articles on issues important to them.</p> <p>The third article is "Canada鈥檚 Huawei decision: Next Steps" by Sugandha Gupta. Gupta is a Master鈥檚 student at the Max Bell School of Public Policy at 平特五不中 and holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics from the University of Delhi, as well as a Master of Science in Economics from the聽Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research.</p> Thu, 23 Jun 2022 15:40:04 +0000 webfull 180688 at /channels Curbing Online Harms | CBC Radio /channels/channels/news/curbing-online-harms-cbc-radio-340047 <p>June 20, 2022 | With the聽<a href="">Canadian Commission on Democratic Expression</a>'s new report hot off the press, Commission co-chair and Max Bell School professor <a href="//">Taylor Owen</a> sat down for an interview with CBC Radio to discuss the recommendations on curbing online harm that he and his colleagues have proposed.</p> <p><a href="">Listen to the interview</a>.</p> Thu, 23 Jun 2022 14:14:11 +0000 webfull 180685 at /channels