Ruths /channels/taxonomy/term/11968/all en Detecting Twitter users’ gender, en français /channels/news/twitter-gazouille-au-feminin-231813 <p>With 230 million users, Twitter has become a global force in social media.  And not just in English. Wed, 27 Nov 2013 17:05:37 +0000 webfull 100130 at /channels Social media data pose pitfalls for studying behaviour /channels/news/social-media-data-pose-pitfalls-studying-behaviour-240450 <p>A growing number of academic researchers are mining social media data to learn about both online and offline human behaviour. In recent years, studies have claimed the ability to predict everything from summer blockbusters to fluctuations in the stock market. Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:46:37 +0000 webfull 106825 at /channels Study of research-paper submissions sheds new light /channels/news/study-research-paper-submissions-sheds-new-light-218524 <p>A large-scale survey of the process for submitting research papers to scientific journals has revealed a surprising pattern: manuscripts that were turned down by one journal and published in another received significantly more citations than those that were published by the first journal to receive them.</p> <p> Fri, 12 Oct 2012 16:58:22 +0000 webfull 87726 at /channels